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How to advance my international scientific career Hands-on training with international Research Alumni

On Friday, the 29th of November 2019, a workshop took place within the framework of the Alumni Career Day. This workshop was designed by the Research Alumni Programme, and its objective was to allow experienced international researchers to share their insights with students hoping to begin their own international scientific careers. This workshop was moderated by two Research Alumni currently at the University of Siegen, Dr. Daria Berdnikova and Dr. Fabiano Pinatti, with the support of the Research Alumni Coordinator; Mr. Gerrit Pursch.

Daria is originally from the Russian Federation, and after having been to Siegen on multiple occasions as a recipient of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship, is now employed as a scientific researcher in the Organic Chemistry II department. Fabiano, who is from Brazil, came to Siegen after having conducted research in Ireland and Austria, currently works as a Researcher at the Department of Information Systems.

For many of the participants, taking those first few steps into an international scientific career seemed rather daunting. However those initial fears about taking those next steps faded away to some extent due to the warm and friendly atmosphere established by Daria and Fabiano. Participants were all able to share their own fears and experiences, to which the other participants and the international researchers were able to give some constructive advice on how to proceed. The participants were invited to write themes onto pieces of paper, which were then pinned onto a board, and arranged together to form groups of similar sorts of concerns.

One of the questions which was discussed most intensely was how to find the right supervisor for PhD, or a postdoctoral degree. Another prominent theme was the importance of networking, making contacts with other scientists across the world allows for international cooperation, as well as opening doors for further career opportunities. To conclude the workshop, Fabiano and Daria emphasised the importance of getting to know other researchers in their field at academic conferences, and to not be afraid to approach people, even those who are known to masters of their craft, such as Nobel prize winners, are usually delighted to discuss various topics with up-and-coming researchers!

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