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studio:RA - The science career panel with Research Alumni

International perspectives in technology and media

Learn from experts - our research alumni - how to advance your own career

Wednesday, 3rd July 2019, 4pm, University of Siegen, Campus AR, Building X, Raum: AR-X 104 (Studio)

On the 3rd of July 2019, there will be for the very first time, a panel discussion with international guest scientists and Research Alumni. The topic will be: International perspectives in technology and media. Learn from experts - our Research alumni - how to advance your own career.This event is for master, PhD and postdoctoral students, aspiring researchers, and Alumni from all academic disciplines with an interest in conducting research abroad.


4.00 - 4.15 pm Welcome: Opening remarks
4.15 - 5.45 pm Moderated panel discussion: Learn from our research alumni
5.45 - 6.30 pm Individual group discussions: How to advance your own career
6.30 - 7.00 pm Conclusions: Takeaways and final remarks
Afterwards After event: Refreshments and networking

Our Guests are:

Research Alumni of the University of Siegen
Prof. Dr.
Abdelhadi Soudi

Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Rabat, Morocco

Ubiquitous Computing, Electrical Engineering, Prof. Dr. K. van Laerhoven
Sam Hind

University of Warwick, United Kingdom

Graduate School Locating Media, Dr. P. Abend
Joseph Ndongo

University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon

Organic Chemistry, Prof. Dr. H. Ihmels
Asst. Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Ahmad Nasir

Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan

Chair of Automatic Control Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Roth
Fabiano Pinatti

Federal University of São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil

Information Systems and New Media, Prof. Dr. V. Wulf

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