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New Publications

  • Dollinger, B./Schmidt, H., 2025; i.E.: Soziale Probleme in Bewegung. Kriminalität als travelling concept. In: Soziale Probleme. 36. Jg.
  • Sämann, Jana/Wohnig, Alexander, 2025; i.E.: Bildung als Verhinderung von Kriminalität? Zur Reise der Präventionsansprache aus 'der Politik' in die außerschulische politische Jugendbildung. In: Soziale Probleme. 36. Jg.
  • Stein, D., 2025; i.E.: Kriminalität auf Reisen: Zur Zirkulation von Kriminalitätskonzepten in der transatlantischen Serienliteratur um 1850. In: Soziale Probleme. 36. Jg.
  • Dollinger, B./Schmidt, H./Stein, D., 2024; i.E.: Wie Kriminalität 'reist'. Eine Annäherung an die Herausbildung institutionalisierter Wissensformen zu Kriminalität. In: M. Harbusch (Hg.): Reisendes Wissen. 'Travelling Concepts' als soziologische Kategorie. Wiesbaden.
  • Stein, D., 2024: Lynching und grafische Literatur: Zur Intersektionalität von Rachel Marie-Crane Williams‘ Elegy for Mary Turner (2021). In: Anna Beckmann/Kalina Kupczynska/Marie Schröer/Véronique Sina (Hg.): Race, Class, Gender & Beyond: Intersektionale Ansätze der Comicforschung. Berlin: 29-51. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110799385-004


  • A warm welcome to our research trainee, Aria Zamani, who will gain insights into the work of Junior Professor Dr. Anika Gomille and Junior Professor Dr. Dörte Negnal. Aria Zamani is a Master's student in International Criminology at the University of Hamburg.
    (Since September 2024)

  • We would also like to welcome Dr. Şerife Sümeyra Çadak as a visiting researcher at CiCS. Dr. Çadak received her Ph.D. in Turkey and is a lecturer and an acadamic at the Department of Sociology and Philosophy of Law at İstanbul Medeniyet University. She would like to continue her research as a postdoctoral fellow at CiCS. She will study sexual crimes and their impact on society and criminal justice by comparing Germany and Turkey. Her research will focus on the role of social media in relation to sexual crimes and how the media's treatment of crimes affects the criminal justice process. This research perspective is therefore very compatible with the work of the CiCS and we are very much looking forward to an exciting exchange with Dr. Çadak!
    (January to September 2025)

Press Release "Kriminalität ist nicht nur Thema des Strafrechts"
Read more about the press release here.


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