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Prof.'in Dr. Zoë Clark
Child and Youth Services, Faculty II

Prof. Dr. Bernd Dollinger, Speaker
Theory and History of Social Pedagogy, Faculty II

Jun.-Prof.'in Dr. Anika Gomille
Sociology of Law and Legal Gender Studies, Faculty III

Jun.-Prof.'in Dr. Dörte Negnal
Sociological Criminology and Legal Gender Studies, Faculty II

Dr. Holger Schmidt
Theory of Social Pedagogy, Faculty II

Prof. Dr. Daniel Stein
North American Literature and Cultural Studies, Department of English Studies, Faculty I

Prof.'in Dr. Yasmin Temelli
Romance Studies - Romance Literary and Cultural Studies/General Literary Studies, Faculty I

Nina Thielges, M.A.
Theory and History of Social Pedagogy, Faculty II

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Wohnig
Didactics of Social Sciences, Faculty I

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