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Latest News and Reports
Schulministerium (May, 2023): Authentic-STEM: Transatlantisches Projekt zur beruflichen MINT-Orientierung | Bildungsportal NRW ( Link (German text)
The Sun (February 8, 2023): Authentic STEM Winter 2023 launch takes off. Link
WCAX (November 22, 2022): TV-Report on Authentic-STEM
Westfalenpost (September 29, 2022): 'Say it in english' - Schüler aus den USA zu Gast in Olpe. Link (German text)
Raphael Tigges (CDU) (September 27, 2022): Amerikanische Studierende und Lehrkräfte zu Besuch im Landtag. Link (German text)
LokalPlus (August 10, 2022): SGO-Oberstufenschüler erkunden Kultur und Berufswelt Amerikas. Zusammenarbeit mit amerikanischen Schülern. Link (German text)
Press-Republican (June 3, 2022): Students conclude STEM engineering program. Link (accessible from the EU only with VPN and location America/Asia)
The Sun (May 26, 2022): Mineville students help German company find production solution. Link
The U.S. Consulate General Düsseldorf has featured the project as part of the "Transatlantic Innovation Week 2022". Link
Currently (April 9-15, 2022), Prof. Dr. Ingo Witzke and Dr. Gero Stoffels are in Washington to present the project to Senator Chuck Schumer's Chief of Staff and Congresswoman Elise Stefanik's Deputy Chief of Staff, among others. They will also give a presentation on our project at the annual conference of the National Association of Workforce Boards and at the German Embassy.
The Sun (April 14, 2022): North Country partners sign memorandum with German university. Link
University of Siegen (April 12, 2022): Problemlösung über den Atlantik hinweg. Abrufbar unter: Link
The Sun (April 6, 2022): University of Siegen to sign memorandum with North Country partners. Link
The Sun (February 25, 2022): CV-TEC students partner with German students on STEM project. Link
Testimony of NYATEP's Executive Director, Melinda Mack, to the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (February 15, 2022): View testimony or written testimony
WAMC Northeast Public Radio (December 15, 2021): German STEM delegation tours Plattsburgh makerspace. Link
Weekly Newsletter of Assemblyman Billy Jones (December 23, 2021). Link
The Press-Republican (December 17, 2021): German STEM students tour the North Country. Link