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Examination Office - Contact

 To Forms



Elvira Kadenbach (Sabine Grüber)
Room No.: EN B-237

Opening hours:

Office hours:

Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 a.m. and 13-15 p.m.

Office closed on Tuesday, Sept. 17th.


E-Mail: pruefungsamt @ mathematik.uni-siegen.de

Tel.: +49 271 740-3624

Postal address:

Universität Siegen - Fakultät IV - Prüfungsamt Mathematik - Walter-Flex-Str. 3 - 57068 Siegen

For registered students of our University:

Please use your student e-mail account to contact us and add your student register no.

Chairperson of the Examination Board:

Prof. Dr. Edgar Kaufmann, Tel.: (0271) 740-3585,

Appointments on request: kaufmann @ mathematik.uni-siegen.de

Advisor on Study Programs:

Dr. Marc Ensenbach, ensenbach @ mathematik.uni-siegen.de

Students of Mathematics of the University of Siegen will find registration forms etc. here

Information on Study Programs (i.a. examination or  PhD regulations) are here


For Teacher Students:

Advisory: Didaktik der Mathematik

Organisation/Exams etc.: Zentrum für Lehrerbildung: http://www.uni-siegen.de/zfl/


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