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Study Programs

Here you will find detailed information as well as official regulations and other documents regarding the study programmes offered by the Department of Mathematics.

For a more general overview on the offered study programmes in Mathematics in Siegen please have a look at our information for Prospective Students, for information on applications please click here .

Master of Science Mathematics


Master Lectures - Summer Term 2025:


* Local class field theory - Prof. J. Jahnel

Numerical Analysis IV/b - Prof. F.-T. Suttmeier

* Harmonic Analysis - Prof. G. Mockenhaupt

* Functional Analysis II - Prof. R. Plato

* Elliptic Curves - Dr. J. Fricke

* Levy Processes - Prof. P. Scheffler


Selected Bachelor Lectures (max. 2 Bachelor Moduls allowed in Master programme): 

Convex optimization in computer vision / Nonlinear optimization Numerical analysis IV (Modern numerical methods for PDEs) - Prof. T. Raasch/Prof. Möller

* Constructive Approximation - Prof. V. Michel
* Ordinary Differential Equations - Prof. G. Mockenhaupt





Example Study programs:

Area of Application/Minor Natural Science and Engineering (AN-NT), English 

Area of Application/Minor Business Mathematics (AN-WM), English

(not available in english) Area of Application/Minor Philosophy, German  


Module overview (schematic):  









 Reference to Module Description

Compulsory Elective Modules "Mathematik" 
(6 Modules à 9 CP)







Attachment 3

Compulsory Elective Modules "Anwendungsfach" (Area of Application) and Seminars(4-6 Modules à 6-12 CP)







Attachment 3


at least 21 CP








at least 21 CP







     AN-Philo (German)

 21 CP








 at least 6, max. 9 CP CP






 Seminar Modul I - III (4MATHMA02-04)

 Master Thesis incl. Seminar





at least 120 CP


Attachment 4

SL = Coursework (Studienleistungen)
2 PL = Examination (Prüfungsleistung)
(1 and 2 are kinds of academic achievements)
3 CP = Credit points (same as LP=Leistungspunkte)
5 P/WP = Compulsory Module (Pflichtmodul) /Compulsory Elective Module (Wahlpflichtmodul)
AN = Area of Application/Minor (Anwendungsfach)
AN-NT = Area of Application/Minor Natural Science and Engineering
AN-WM = Area of Application/Minor Business Mathematics
AN-Philo = Area of Application/Minor Philosophy (not offered in english language)
FPO = Subject Examination Rules (Fachprüfungsordnung)
FPO-B = Subject Examination Rules Bachelor
FPO-M = Subject Examination Rules Master


Framework Examination Regulations Bachelor's degree program RPO-M


Bachelor of Science Mathematics

This programme is offered in German only. Please visit the German version of this site for more information on the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics.

Framework Examination Regulations Bachelor's degree program RPO-B


All other study programmes (discontinued and finished) are only available on the German version of this site.



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