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der Universität Siegen
Adresse: Adolf-Reichwein-Str.2
57076 Siegen
Raum: AR-M 017
Fon: 0271 740 - 2702

offene Sprechzeit:

mittwochs 11-13 Uhr


Flyer des Familienservicebüros

Information for students

Studying with family

The compatibility of family and studies is supported by various legal measures and by offers made by the University of Siegen.

Pregnancy and maternity protection

You can officially report your pregnancy to the University of Siegen and thus take advantage of the statutory maternity protection periods (MuSchG). Despite notification, you can also waive the deadlines and continue your studies as planned.
The notification of a pregnancy also includes a risk assessment by the Department of Occupational Health and Safety regarding the premises, working hours and work locations, etc., in order to identify and, if necessary, eliminate risks to the pregnancy.
The notification is made using a notification form and a risk assessment form.
You can find the registration form here
According to maternity protection, your health and that of your child shall be protected as a matter of priority. If measures have to be taken for your protection that adversely affect or delay your education, the university shall compensate for this.

Contact persons at the University of Siegen

Semester on leave

Students have the option of taking a leave of absence due to pregnancy and / or the birth or care of a child, or due to the care of a close relative. The completion of study and examination performances is then only possible under certain conditions. 

Semester on leave due to pregnancy and/or birth

If you wish to take a semester of leave due to pregnancy and childbirth, the date of birth must lie in the semester applied for. You will then not be liable for semester fees and will not be able to take examinations or earn credits.

Semester of leave due to childcare or care of a close relative

If you take a semester of leave due to the care of a child or the care of a close relative, then you are liable for semester fees, but you can complete study and examination performances. 

Application/Contact persons at the University of Siegen

International students should contact the International Student Office of the STARTING Department. The deadlines for submission must be complied with. 
The Registrar’s Office also provides information on the topic of "semester of leave.

Coursework and examination performances

The Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia obliges institutions of higher education to take into account the special needs of students with family responsibilities and to promote the compatibility of studies and family responsibilities. The University of Siegen has therefore made appropriate arrangements across all faculties.

Examination performances/Compensation of disadvantage

For students with proven care and/or nursing responsibilities, there is the possibility to apply for compensation of disadvantage if an examination cannot be taken in the scheduled form or time. In order to make use of this, an application must be submitted to the relevant Examination Office in good time. 
Reference must be made to a specific performance and the particular burden due to which this performance cannot be taken in the required form must be specifically explained. 
The aim is then that the compensation of the disadvantage will be granted in cooperation with the examiner and the responsible examination board on the basis of the individual student's request.
Handout for lecturers and staff in examination offices/ committees on the application for compensation of disadvantage in the case of caring for children or relatives

Handout for students on the application for compensation of disadvantage

Application for compensation of disadvantage 

Contact persons at the University of Siegen

Contact details of the Examination Offices
Contact details of the (subject)I Student Counseling


Financing a course of study with a family represents a very special challenge. In addition to scholarships, there are loans and assistance that can be applied for from the state as well as from various public, private or church institutions. The use of the respective support options depends on the concrete individual situation. You can also obtain information and advice on student financing from the Studierendenwerk. In case of need, you can also contact the social counseling service of the General Students' Committee. The following is an overview of financial aspects and support options.

In many cases, international students with child(ren) do not receive the same financial support as German student parents. In particular, the residence permit according to § 16 AufenthG excludes most state benefit claims. International students with this reason for residence must instead present proof of financial support upon entry.

It is recommended that you find out about what financial aid programs are available before you enter Germany.

State support

BAföG - Vocational Training Assistance Act

BAföG is the main option for state funding of studies in Germany. BAföG comprises two parts. The first part is a grant. This means that in part, BAföG does not have to be paid back. This grant makes up half of the loan taken out.
The other half is an interest-free loan at government expense. This loan must be repaid in any case. The earliest possible repayment date begins five years after the end of the regular study time. However, the German government does not want more than €10.010 back. How much money each person gets depends on their personal situation. A maximum rate of currently €934 per month is also available for foreign students.
Not all foreign students have access to BAföG, because the income situation of the parents plays a role. In addition, other personal requirements as well as the residence status are decisive factors:
    •    Those who hold the status of recognized refugee/recognized asylum seeker/refugee with recognition of refugee                  status/refugee with subsidiary protection are eligible to apply.
    •    Students who have a Duldung (temporary suspension of deportation) or can show another humanitarian residence               permit can apply.
    •    As long as the asylum application has not been decided, it is not possible to apply for BAföG.

Further state support options: Maternity allowance, parental allowance, child benefit/child supplement, advance maintenance payments, benefits under SGB II, housing benefit and financial support for nursing care. With the help of the Internet portal of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, it is possible to determine independently for which benefits an entitlement may exist:
Infotool for Families
Family portal

Loans and scholarships


Students with child(ren) can apply for scholarships. There are scholarships for different groups of people and for students of certain fields of study. As a rule, special talent and motivation are prerequisites for funding. However, there are also scholarships that take social criteria into account when they are awarded. Since the rules vary widely, only the foundations themselves or the sponsoring institutions can provide binding information on this. An overview of the numerous scholarship opportunities for students and doctoral candidates is provided by various websites (see overview of scholarship opportunities Students online, German scholarship website and mystipendium).


Study Support Fund of the University of Siegen

The Studienförderfond Siegen e.V. awards scholarships for the duration of one year in the amount of € 2500. On the one hand, particularly high-achieving students are supported, on the other hand, needy students with good academic performance. Students' parents have the opportunity to be supported according to the criterion of financial need. After the year of financial support, students should, if possible, obtain employment as a student assistant.
Information on the Study Support Fund of the University of Siegen


Family Scholarship

The Family Scholarship is a classic scholarship designed to help students with family responsibilities in financially difficult situations to complete their degree. Applications can now be submitted on two deadlines per year, for the summer semester by March 1 of each year, and for the winter semester by September 1 of each year. For more information on the scholarship, please contact Family Service Office.
Please comply with the note for applicants in receipt of BAföG:
The family scholarship is fully counted towards the BAföG funding requirements. According to Section 21 (3) BAföG, income from a scholarship must also be taken into account when determining income. Scholarships of up to € 300.00 per month are not taken into account, provided that they are awarded on the basis of talent and performance. Also not counted are funds that have been awarded for a specific purpose and therefore cannot be used for living expenses. Neither of these apply to the family scholarship.

However, Family Service Office would like to take this opportunity to highlight the support provided by the Emergency Family Assistance Fund. The University of Siegen's Emergency Family Assistance Fund is intended to help prevent students with family responsibilities from abandoning their studies when they are in temporary financial emergency situations by making a one-time payment. The subsidy is one-time. The amount of funding is based on individual need and is limited.
Family Scholarship: Guidelines
Family Scholarship: Tender of Family Scholarship      

Family Scholarship: Application form


Family Emergency Assistance Fund

The Family Emergency Assistance Fund is a one-time financial assistance for students with family responsibilities in acute emergencies and is intended to help prevent students from abandoning their studies. For more information on the Emergency Assistance Fund, please contact Family Service Office.
Family Emergency Assistance Fund: Guidelines
Family Emergency Assistance Fund: Tender of Family Emergency Assistance Fund                                                                

Family Emergency Assistance Fund: Application form


Semester fees

Reimbursement of the mobility fee for students of the University of Siegen

The General Students' Committee exempts students from the mobility fee upon request in cases of financial need and hardship. Further information and the application form can be obtained from the General Students' Committee's Social Counseling Service.

Reimbursement of the regional semester ticket for students with Siegen as their main place of residence

Students who register Siegen as their main place of residence will be reimbursed once at the beginning of the semester for the cost of the semester ticket. In order to receive this refund, students must present their registration confirmation from the Citizens' Registration Office (Bürgerbüro) and their student ID to the General Students' Committee.
Further information and advice is available from the General Students' Committee.   

Siegen Identity Card

The Siegen ID card allows reduced admission to various facilities and cultural events in the city of Siegen. This includes, for example, events at the Apollo Theater, the city's museums, courses at the music school and the youth art school, and much more.
Persons with their main residence in Siegen and a low income are eligible to apply.
For more information on benefits, contact, etc., please refer to the corresponding flyer of the City of Siegen Flyer of the City of Siegen.

Federal Foundation Mother and Child

The "Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind - Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens" (Federal Foundation Mother and Child - Protection of Unborn Life) provides financial grants to pregnant women who live in Germany and are in financial need.


Applications for financial support from the Federal Foundation can only be submitted to a pregnancy counseling center in the place of residence of the person seeking assistance.
Personal contact with the pregnancy or pregnancy conflict counseling center is required for the application. It is not possible to submit an application by mail or email.
If possible, the application should be submitted at the beginning of the pregnancy.

Contact persons of the pregnancy counseling centers in Siegen

      •    Siegen-Wittgenstein District Health Center: p.janzen@siegen-wittgenstein.de
      •    State-approved pregnancy counseling center donum vitae: siegen@donumvitae.org
      •    Marriage, Family and Life Counseling Center of the Protestant Church District of Siegeninfo@efl-siegen.de
      •    Social Service of Catholic women e.V. (SKF)schwangerenberatung@ksd-siegen.de

University parishes

The Protestant Student Community (ESG) and the Catholic Student Community (KHG) have funds available to provide one-time financial support to students in acute need.

Contact persons of the university parishes

      •    Catholic University Community KHG
      •    Protestant University Community ESG

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
der Universität Siegen
Adresse: Adolf-Reichwein-Str.2
57076 Siegen
Raum: AR-M 017
Fon: 0271 740 - 2702

offene Sprechzeit:

mittwochs 11-13 Uhr


Flyer des Familienservicebüros