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Incoming Students: Europe & Global

Alicia Platt

Contact by email
F-S 403

International Registrar's Office

Internationales Studierendensekretariat

Contact by email
Tue, Wed, Thu 8:30-11:00 am
Di, Mi, Do 8:30-11:00 Uhr
F-S 108

After Arrival



How to Get to Siegen

From the airports Frankfurt am Main, Düsseldorf and Cologne/Bonn you can take the train or a long-distance bus to Siegen. Within Siegen there are buses that take you to the various campuses of the university. Further Information


During Orientation Days


unisono, Student Email and WiFi

Once you have enrolled, you will have access to the campus management system unisono. Your student ID number is your user name; you have already chosen the password during pre-enrollment. !Please update your address in unisono independently as soon as you have your German address.

You can also activate your student account, student email and campus WiFi via unisono. Make sure to check your student email regularly as all important information is sent to this address.

Course Registration

After you have activated your student account you can compile your semester schedule and register for classes (not pre-book)!


First Days After Arrival


Registration with Authorities

After your arrival in Germany you need to register with the local authorities.

Registration of your Residence

Within two weeks of your arrival in Siegen, you must register with the city or your Local City Office (Bürgerbüro). We recommend that you register your main residence in Siegen. The City of Siegen offers a one-off refund for the expenses of your semester ticket for students who register their main residence here. To receive the refund you need to present your residence registration and student ID at the AStA.

Application for a Residence Title

Students who hold a visa that does not cover their entire duration of study must also apply for a residence title at the Foreigners' Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde).

Bank Account

Students from a non-EU country are required to open an account in Germany. Depending on the bank or Sparkasse, different documents may be required: passport or identity card, letter of admission, student ID, study certificate, or a registration certificate issued by the Citizen's Office (Rathaus). Usually an appointment is required. Contact the bank or Sparkasse for further information.

Liability Insurance

In Germany it can be very expensive if you accidentally hurt someone or break something. We therefore strongly recommend that you take out a liability insurance for approx. about EUR 3-5 per month. You can often take out a liability insurance with a bank or another insurance company, for example.

Sometimes you also need to take out a household contents insurance when you sign a rental contract. This insurance covers damages in the event of fire, burglary or water damage in your home, for example.

Radio and TV License

Persons over the age of 18 registered in Germany must also register with the Contribution Service for Radio and TV License and pay a monthly fee of EUR 17.50. However, you may be eligible to apply for an exemption.

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
Incoming Students: Europe & Global

Alicia Platt

Contact by email
F-S 403

International Registrar's Office

Internationales Studierendensekretariat

Contact by email
Tue, Wed, Thu 8:30-11:00 am
Di, Mi, Do 8:30-11:00 Uhr
F-S 108