Internationales Studierendensekretariat

Tue, Wed, Thu 8:30-11:00 am
Di, Mi, Do 8:30-11:00 Uhr

End of Studies
3 Months Before Departure
Terminate your Rental Agreement
You need to terminate your lease before you move out. In Germany you must give your landlord a three-month written notice to end tenancy. Check your lease agreement for terms of notice.
Cancel Health Insurance Policy and other Contracts
Notify your health insurance provider in good time when your studies in Siegen will end and check with your provider which documents might be required to cancel your health insurance policy (e.g. Confirmation of De-Registration).
You can terminate the radio and TV license online via the online form of the Contribution Service (German only). You find otes of guidance in the Downloads section of our web site.
Remember to cancel all other contracts you entered into (gas, electricity, internet, mobile phone, etc.) and check the terms of notice.
1 Week Before Departure
Request for De-Registration
The de-registration (Exmatrikulation) marks the end of your studies in Siegen. Exchange and short-term students request their de-registration shortly before their departure, after the last exam has taken place.
A de-registration with retroactive effect is not possible. The Request for De-Registration (Antrag auf Exmatrikulation) and Guidance Notes are available online (Downloads).
Hand in the completed request at the Registrar’s Office for International Students in the Student Service Center (AR-SSC 001). A copy of the request has to be submitted at the Department for International Student Affairs by e-mail.
Confirmation of Stay
Once you submit the copy of your request for de-registration at the Department for International Student Affairs, we will issue a confirmation of stay that includes the dates of registration and de-registration. The confirmation can be issued directly or can be sent to your home institution by air mail or e-mail.
De-Registration at the local City Office (Bürgerbüro)
Before your departure you need to de-register one week prior to your date of departure. Remember to bring your passport. Forms for the De-Registration (Abmeldung bei der Meldebehörde) are available online or on site.
Close Bank Account
Before you close your bank account, review your bank statements to determine all relevant payments. Make sure you settled all invoices and contact your bank or Sparkasse branch if you need help or assistance.
After Departure
Transcript of Records
The Transcript of Records includes all academic achievements you registered for at your examination office during the semester and successfully completed at the end of the semester.
Please contact your Examination Office to get your Transcript of Records.
Please note that the transcript is issued upon request or by the end of the semester. Once all grades and credits have been published on unisono, contact your examination office and request your transcript. Remember to include your student status (exchange student or study abroad, non-degree), your student ID number as well as a valid address in your home country when sending an email.
Students registered in Faculty I and III receive the original transcript from the Department of International Student Affairs; The transcript can also be sent to the corresponding examination office, if it is explicitly requested.
Students from Faculty II and IV usually receive their transcripts from their examination office.