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Head of the workgroup Psychological Assessment and Individual Differences

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kai Horstmann

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kai Horstmann heads the research group Psychological Assessment and Individual Differences at the Faculty of Life Sciences, which is also the focus of his teaching. He conducts research on the description, measurement, and prediction of behavior in daily life, primarily using diary studies and experience sampling. Mr. Horstmann is also interested in open science and science transfer.

Postal address:
Universität Siegen
Fakultät II - Department Psychologie
Psychologische Diagnostik und Differentielle Psychologie
Obergraben 23
D-57072 Siegen


  • since 04|2022 Juniorprofessor (W1, Tenure Track), University of Siegen. Dpt. of Psychological Assessment and Individual Differences.
  • 12|2019 – 03|2022 Juniorprofessor (W1), Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. Dpt. of Psychological Assessment of Person-Situation-Dynamics.
  • 10|2019 – 11|2019 Guest Lecturer, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. Institute of Psychology.
  • 08|2018 – 09|2019 Post-Doctoral researcher, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. Dpt. of Psychological Assessment. 
  • 04|2015 – 07|2018 Ph.D. candidate, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, on The Interplay of Personality, Situations, Affect, and Behavior.
  • 04|2013 – 03|2015 Master of Science, Psychology, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany.
  • 10|2009 – 09|2012 Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany.

Key publications

Horstmann, K. T., Biesok, A., Witte, K., Godmann, H. R., Fliedner, K., Wilm, L., Doran, L., & Ziegler, M. (2023). Berliner Studierfähigkeitstest – Psychologie (BSF-P). Psychologische Rundschau, 0033-3042/a000628. https://doi.org/10.1026/0033-3042/a000628

Hecht*, M., Horstmann*, K. T., Arnold, M., Sherman, R. A., & Voelkle, M. C. (2022). Modeling dynamic personality theories in a continuous‐time framework: An illustration. Journal of Personality, jopy.12769. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12769 (*shared first authorship)

Horstmann, K. T., Rauthmann, J. F., Sherman, R. A., & Ziegler, M. (2021a). Distinguishing simple and residual consistencies in functionally equivalent and non-equivalent situations: Evidence from experimental and observational longitudinal data. European Journal of Personality, 35(6), 833–860. https://doi.org/10.1177/08902070211014029

Horstmann, K. T., Rauthmann, J. F., Sherman, R. A., & Ziegler, M. (2021b). Unveiling an exclusive link: Predicting behavior with personality, situation perception, and affect in a preregistered experience sampling study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(5), 1317–1343. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000357

Horstmann, K. T., & Ziegler, M. (2020). Assessing Personality States: What to Consider when Constructing Personality State Measures. European Journal of Personality, 34(6), 1037–1059. https://doi.org/10.1002/per.2266

For a current list of all publications, please visit my GoogleScholar profile. All publications are generally publicly available as preprints and can be found at https://psyarxiv.com. If you cannot find a publication, please do not hesitate to contact me.


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