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Finanzierung der Post-Doc-Phase


  • All postdoctoral researchers are eligible to apply to the DFG. They can submit research proposals requesting their own position as part of a research project. When a person submits a DFG proposal for the first time, the proposal is reviewed according to a specific procedure.
  • Young researchers can also apply to the DFG for, among other things, scientific networks and research fellowships for stays abroad.

Further funding sources

  • The Fritz Thyssen Stiftung and the Volkswagen-Stiftung fund research projects by young scientists within a broad range of topics.  
  • The University of Siegen annually awards habilitation scholarships to female habilitation students. For more information, please contact the Office of the Equal Opportuities Officer.
  • In order to prepare an application for a third-party funded project, an application for funds from the university's internal research funding can be submitted via the Prorectorate for Research and Junior Scientific Staff. Ususally, small to medium amounts are granted; this cannot be used to finance the applicant's own position.

Writing research proposals

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