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How to get your degree documents

After the last achievement has been entered, you will automatically receive a letter from the Examination Office confirming that you graduated.

Within 4 weeks, we will prepare your graduation documents and send them to your address. Please check your address in unisono and update your adress if you move. Otherwise we will not be able to deliver your documents.

The documents consist of a certificate (Urkunde), a certificate about your Master examination (Zeugnis), the Transcript of Records and the Diploma Supplement.

Students of the Master´s degree Roads to Democracies receive these documents in German and in English. 


If you have any quesions regarding exmatriculation, please contact the Team STARTING.

Please note, you will be automatically exmatriculated if you do not pay the semester fee.

PhD at the Faculty I: Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Are you interested in a PhD? We offer opportunities to obtain a doctorate in all our subjects at the Faculty I: Faculty of Arts & Humanities. You can find more information here.

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