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Short CV

Study of Political Science (FU Berlin) and Media Studies (TU Berlin); Doctoral degree at the FU Berlin with the thesis "Focus point plenum: The Presentation of Parliaments on Television. British House of Commons and German Bundestag in comparison"; Scholarship-holder of the DFG-research training group "Politische Ikonographie" ("Political Iconography") at the University of Hamburg; Postgraduate assistant at the Faculty of Social Science at the Justus-Liebig-University of Gießen; Scholarship-holder at the Institute of Cultural Studies (Essen) at the Centre of Commerce in North Rhine-Westphalia; various (leading) positions in public broadcasting (amongst others, personal consultant of two directors; Currently working in the department of media management with regard to the strategic process of the Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg; Teaching assignments at the FU Berlin, University of Potsdam, University of Gießen; Occupation as author for the Duden publishing house (textbooks on politics) ; currently working on postdoctoral thesis "Country Music and Politics"

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