Main areas of expertise
Cognitive Organisation Theory
Organisation and Profession
Service Organisation in the Third Sector
Completed research projects
Action routines in Integra projects, Siegen 2002.
Evaluation of the model project "Jugendhilfenetzwerk" ("Youth Welfare Network"), Essen 1998.
The length of stay of infants in two homes of the State Upbringing and Education Institutions (Landesbetrieb Erziehungs- und Bildungseinrichtungen). An evaluation of the socio-pedagogical practice, Hamburg 1994.
Function, achievement and reference to problems in conferences on education. Survey on the use of professional instruction of the Youth Welfare Office in socio-pedagogical practice, Hamburg 1993.
Conference on education and help plan. Research strategies regarding the professional instruction of the Hamburg Youth Welfare Office, Hamburg 1992.