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Personensuchezur unisono Personensuche
Veranstaltungssuchezur unisono Veranstaltungssuche
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Main areas of expertise

  • Cognitive Organisation Theory

  • Organisation and Profession

  • Service Organisation in the Third Sector

Completed research projects

  • Action routines in Integra projects, Siegen 2002.

  • Evaluation of the model project "Jugendhilfenetzwerk" ("Youth Welfare Network"), Essen 1998.

  • The length of stay of infants in two homes of the State Upbringing and Education Institutions (Landesbetrieb Erziehungs- und Bildungseinrichtungen). An evaluation of the socio-pedagogical practice, Hamburg 1994.

  • Function, achievement and reference to problems in conferences on education. Survey on the use of professional instruction of the Youth Welfare Office in socio-pedagogical practice, Hamburg 1993.

  • Conference on education and help plan. Research strategies regarding the professional instruction of the Hamburg Youth Welfare Office, Hamburg 1992.

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