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Short CV

Scientific career

1984-1989 Study of Sociology, History and Psychology at the University of Düsseldorf and at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (degree: M.A.)
1990-1994 Doctoral studies at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy (degree: Dr rer pol)
1994-1997 Postgraduate assistant and coordinator of a comparative research project at the Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf
1997-2002 Postgraduate assistant of the Department of Sociology II of the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg (degree: 'Habilitation', venia legendi for Sociology)
2002-2004 Assistant professor at the Faculty of Social Science and Economic Science at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg
2004-2006 Sociology professorship substitution at the University of Siegen
Temporary Professor for Sociology (W2) with a main focus on "Comparative Sociology of Culture and Political Sociology of Europe" at the University of Siegen
since 2008
Permanent Professor for Sociology (W3) with a main focus on "Comparative Sociology of Culture and Political Sociology of Europe" at the University of Siegen

Positions and occupations

1999-2002 Academic advisor of the University of Bamberg for students of Sociology
2000-2009 Speaker of the working group on 'social movements' at the German Political Science Association
 Vorstandsmitglied der Sektion Politische Soziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie
2006-2010 Speaker of the sociology unit at the Faculty 1 of the University of Siegen
2007-2012 Chairman of the Section on Political Sociology at the German Sociological Association (2006-2012: Board Member)
Member of the Boad of the Faculty of Arts, University of Siegen
2011-2016Member of the Committee on Research and The Promotion of Young Academics at the University of Siegen
Board member of the Research Institute of Arts and the Social Sciences (Forschungsinstitut für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften) at the University of Siegen
since 2018
Member of Board of the Faculty of Arts, University of Siegen and other committees at the University of Siegen
Reviewer for various scientific journals (e.g. American Sociological Review, European Sociological Review, European Union Poli­tics, Journal of Classical Sociology, Journal of Common Market Studies, Mobilization, Popular Music, Sozialer Sinn, Swiss Journal of Social Work, Zeitschrift für Soziologie) and research foundations (the Norwegian Research Council, the British 'Economic & Social Research Council', the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences)


1982 First prize winner of the regional  "Jugend musiziert" ("Youth performing music") competition in the brass quartet category of the age group IV and participation in the national "Jugend musiziert" competition
July 2004 Prize for excellent scientific research by the Hans-Löwel-Foundation
July 2005 Award for excellent teaching at the Faculty of Social Science and Economic Science, Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg
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