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Job Experience

from 2018 
Lecturer at the Social Science Department. Siegen University
11/2013-09/2018 Operational Manager of Cohort Study „From Higher Education to the Labor Market“, part of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). DZHW (German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies), Hannover
07/2011-10/2013 Research Assistant at the Chair for Sociology/ Research Methods (Prof. Dr. Johannes Giesecke) at Bamberg University

Research Assistant at the Chair for Sociology/ Research Methods (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer) at Siegen University 

  • Internship at Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development, Berlin
  • Tutor (Sociology), Leipzig University
  • Internship at the Statistical Office, Sachsen Anhalt. Halle
  • variate student jobs
 Au pair. France


06/2010 PhD at Siegen University. Thesis: "Lehren an der Universität. Deutungsmuster von Hochschullehrern
im deutsch-französischen Vergleich" (Interpretation of Higher Education Teaching in France and Germany)
04/2003 Diploma (Sociology). Leipzig University. Thesis: Einkommen von Männern und Frauen in Deutschland. Zum
Zusammenhang von Arbeitsmarktsegregation und Einkommensungleichheit. (Comparable Worth of Male and Female Occupations in Germany)
1997-2003 Studies of Sociology and Economy at Leizipg University
1996 Abitur (DE)


Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche