Selected publications
Recent publications
2024 | ‘Rugby and Diasporic Fiji Islander Sociality’, in Towards a Pacific Island Sociology of Sport: Current and Emerging Research, edited by Yoko Kanemasu, 185-203. Leeds: Emerald Publishing. |
2024 | ‘Fijian Migrant Athletes in the World of Professional Rugby’, in Handbook of Sport and Migration, edited by Joseph Maguire, Katie Liston and Mark Falcous, 73-85. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. |
2024 | [with Sina Emde and Geir Henning Presterudstuen] ‘(Vaka)Vanua as Weakness, (Vaka)Vanua as Strength: Reflections on Fijian Sociality in Urban and Migrant Environments‘, Anthropological Forum 34(2): 166-185. |
2024 | Review of Jeannette M. Mageo and Bruce M. Knauft (eds.), Authenticity & Authorship in Pacific Island Encounters: New Lives of Old Imaginaries, Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies 12(1): 96-98. |
Refereed articles & book chapters
2022 | [with Rebecca Hofmann] ‘Explorations into Micronesian mobility: Transforming family and home across borders – an introduction’, Pacific Geographies 58: 4-10. [Note: reviewed by journal editors] |
2021 | ‘Fiji Islander transborder mobility in the Pacific: The case of Fiji and Japan’, Pacific Geographies 56: 13-22. |
2017 | ‘The 1961 British Military Recruitment Campaign in Fiji: Historical Circumstances, Discourses of Fijian Culture and Personal Narratives’, Oceania 87(2): 139-155. |
2017 | [with Geir Henning Presterudstuen] ‘Bati as Bodily Labour: Rethinking Masculinity and Violence in Fiji’, in Emergent Masculinities in the Pacific, edited by Aletta Biersack and Martha Macintyre. Abingdon: Routledge [initially published in The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 17(3/4) (2016)]. |
2016 | [with Geir Henning Presterudstuen] ‘Bati as Bodily Labour: Rethinking Masculinity and Violence in Fiji’, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 17(3/4): 213-230. |
2015 | ‘Community Life and Discourses among Fiji Islanders in Kantō, Japan’, Anthropological Forum 25(2): 167-186. |
2015 | [with Verena Keck] ‘Contradictions and Complexities: Current Perspectives on Pacific Islander Mobilities’, Anthropological Forum 25(2): 115-130. |
2014 | ‘Fiji Islander Rugby Players in Japan: Corporate Rationales and Migration Routes’, Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science 3(3): 250-267. |
2014 | [with Geir Henning Presterudstuen] ‘Sport Migration and Socio-Cultural Transformation: The Case of Fijian Rugby Union Players in Japan’, International Journal of the History of Sport 31(11): 1359-1373. |
2014 | ‘A Coup-Less Future for Fiji? Between Rhetoric and Political Reality’, in Future Selves in the Pacific: Projects, Politics and Interests, edited by William Rollason, 172-195. London: Berghahn. |
2012 | ‘“Fiji has a coup culture!” Discussing Fiji’s ongoing political instability’, Paideuma 58: 45-67. |
2012 | ‘Rugby in Fiji: Unifiying and Dividing a Multi-Cultural Society’, Pacific News 37: 23-28. |
2012 | Das Phänomen der Coup Culture – Politische Konflikte auf den Fidschi-Inseln [Coup Culture: Political Conflicts in the Fiji Islands]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. |
Guest editorships
2022 | [with Rebecca Hofmann] Explorations into Micronesian Mobility: Transforming Family and Home across Borders, Special Issue, Pacific Geographies 58. |
2015 | [with Verena Keck] Current Perspectives on Pacific Islander Mobilities, Special Issue, Anthropological Forum 25(2). |
Additional articles and short contributions (non-refereed)
2016 | ‘Fiji Islanders in the United Kingdom’, in Outrigger: Newsletter of the Pacific Islands Society of the United Kingdom and Ireland, 2 pages. |
2013 | ‘Traditionen und Kulturen in Ozeanien’, in Der Pazifik in Deutschland, edited by Steffi Kornder et al., 11-12. Neuendettelsau: Pazifik Netzwerk. |
2011 | ‘Jenseits der pluralen Gesellschaft: Anmerkungen zur Heterogenität der ‚indischen’ Bevölkerung Fidschis und deren politische Implikationen’, Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 141: 277-290. |
Book reviews
2022 | Review of Jacqueline Leckie, Colonizing Madness: Asylum and Community in Fiji, Pacific Affairs 95(1): 190-192. |
2021 | Review of Anders Emil Rasmussen, In the Absence of the Gift: New Forms of Value and Personhood in a Papua New Guinea Community, Island Studies Journal 16(2): 291-393. |
2021 | Review of Laurent Dousset und Mélissa Nayral (Hg.), Pacific Realities: Changing Perspectives on Resilience and Resistance, Island Studies Journal 16(1): 388-389. |
2018 | Review of Niko Besner, Susan Brownell und Thomas F. Carter, The Anthropology of Sport: Bodies, Borders, Biopolitics, Paideuma 64: 306-308. |
2016 | Review of Livia Loosen, Deutsche Frauen in den Südsee-Kolonien des Kaiserreichs. Alltag und Beziehungen zur indigenen Bevölkerung, 1884-1919, Anthropos 111(1): 277-278. |
2015 | Review of Margret Frenz, Community, Memory, and Migration in a Globalizing World: The Goan Experience, c. 1890 – 1980. Contemporary South Asia 34(4): 490-491. |
2014 | Review of Juliane Müller, Migration, Geschlecht und Fußball zwischen Bolivien und Spanien. Paideuma 60: 298-300. |
2013 | Review of Ilana Gerson, No Family is an Island: Cultural Expertise Among Samoans in the Diaspora. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 19(4): 903-904. |
Edited volumes
2014 | [with Julika Meinert und Oliver Hasenkamp] Samoa: 50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit. Herausforderungen an einen pazifischen Inselstaat [Samoa: 50 Years of Independence – The Challenges of a Pacific Island State]. Neuendettelsau: Pazifik Netzwerk. |
Encyclopaedia entries
2015 | Animismus (p. 36), bêche-de-mer (p. 91), Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf (p. 98), Beschneidung (p. 98), Cakobau, Seru (p. 148), Ethnie (p. 250), Fidschi und Rotuma (p. 264), Hamilton-Gordon, Sir Arthur (p. 324), Heyerdahl, Thor (p. 338), indirect rule (p. 362), Malinowski, Bronislaw Kaspar (p. 509), Polyandrie (p. 651), Polygynie (p. 651), Sandelholz (p. 711) and Tätowierung (p. 787), in Hermann Hiery (ed.): Lexikon zur Überseegeschichte. Stuttgart: Steiner. |