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Tim Spier Student Prize for Social Sciences

Since 2007, the Seminar for Social Sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy, which comprises the Departments of Political Science and Sociology, has awarded the Student Prize for Social Science to outstanding final theses written by students graduating from the bachelor, master and teaching training course. The prize is awarded annually at the Social Science spring party, which is aimed at enabling an exchange between students and teaching staff in a festive social setting.

In 2018, the prize was renamed „Tim Spier Student Prize for Social Sciences” in remembrance of our deceased colleague Tim Spier to honour Tim’s excellence and outstanding commitment to teaching.

Tim’s family has supported the prize through a generous donation.

The prize is open to graduates of social science courses at the University of Siegen who finished their studies within a specific timeframe and who were put forward for the prize by their thesis advisor or who have applied on their own initiative. Those wishing to be considered must submit a copy of the thesis, both examiners’ assessments, and a short biography to the current chairperson of the department council, both on paper and as a PDF file.


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