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Nora Ratmann

Tel.: +49 (0)271/740-4836

Research Magazine "future"

Issue 2024


Main Topic: Computer, how am I? Media of Cooperation

What do humans do with media, and what do media do with us? Since 2016, the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) Media of Cooperation at the University of Siegen has been examining phenomena in digital society. This future issue focuses on the interplay between human interaction and technology. Topics covered include:

  • From observer to actor. Today, algorithms in computer programs are autonomously making decisions (p. 11)
  • Live news from war zone: Social media and messenger services supply news and images from Ukraine daily (p. 18)
  • Blurring the boundaries of private life: Living in a smart home (p. 25)
  • Virtual pasture boundaries: Sensors are keeping animals in their place (p. 33)

We also present a broad research mix from our faculties, among others:

  • Freedom and duty: Kant research at the University of Siegen (p. 42)
  • Chitin: Clearing the path for a material of the future (p. 50)
  • Equal opportunity in competition for university places (p. 58)
  • What happens when support has unintended effects? About the research training group “Consequences of social services work" (p. 66)
  • The local region as a research field: Living labs in the FUSION project (p. 74)

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Issue 2023


Main Topic: Smart Life and Smart Work

Whether hi-tech machines in a factory, chatbots in the office or Alexa in our living room, all these things are "smart" in their own way. In this issue of future, we explore how smart technology is changing our lives. Topics covered include:

Selection of topics:

  • When AI becomes a team member (p. 39)
  • Safety first: how we can counter digital security risks (p. 16)
  • Returning to a full life with digital support: offers for rehab aftercare (p. 24)
  • Paths to the digital future: How can we support regional small and medium-sized enterprises? (p. 32)

We also present a broad research mix from our faculties, among others:

  • "Fact check: Family reunification for refugees (p. 46)
  • Between enthusiasm and disappointment: why people leave volunteering (p. 55)
  • "An ungodly man who is willing to do God’s work": What do Donald Trump and evangelical Christians in the U.S. have in common? (p. 63)
  • "Learning to Sense": artificial intelligence for novel image sensors (p. 70)

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Issue 2022


Main Topic: Matter and Quantum Systems

The focus of our new magazine is the latest cutting-edge research in the field of "Matter and Quantum Systems" at the University of Siegen. We provide insights into the mysterious world of ultra-tiny particles. GPS, smartphones, satellites, superconductors, TV sets – without quantum physics, none of these would be possible as we know them today.

Selection of topics:

  • Complex Computing with Quanta (p. 12)
  • The Particle Catchers (p. 32)
  • Third-Generation Elementary Particles (p. 42)
  • On the Way to the Quantum Internet (p. 56)

We also present a broad research mix from our faculties, among others:

  • Achieving More Sustainability with »Pleasurable Troublemakers« (p. 60)
  • Fact Check: »National Socialism memorials provide educational opportunities, even for elementary school children« (p. 64)
  • Shedding New Light on Viruses (p. 79)

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Issue 2021


Main Topic: Youth and Age

Our researchers immerse themselves in real lives: How can we provide people with dementia with more tailored care, and their carers and doctors with better support (from page 16)? What kind of learning formats can we develop to enable digital participation of older people (from page 23)? How do young people use gangsta rap to form and strengthen their identity (from page 31)? And in what ways do children and youngsters are using local education landscapes (from page 38)? In a debate we discuss, whether intergenerational conflicts are increasing (from page 8).

Selection of topics:

  • Fact check: Is people‘s trust in European politics really as low as it seems?
  • How a global sign language improves opportunities for participation
  • A smart home for everybody


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Issue 2020


Main Topic: Exploring the nanocosmos

How harmful are nanoparticles from sun creams to aquatic organisms? Can DNA analyses improve cancer detection? And can artificial diamonds be developed into a super capacitor? - You can read all this and much more in the future issue 2020.

Selection of topics:

  • When plants get lost in space
  • The power of popularity
  • Are environmental protection and economic growth compatible?


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Issue 2019


Main Topic: Media of Cooperation

Diagnosis of the digital society: How has our society changed through digitally networked media?

Selection of topics:

  • University and Society: New school, new beginning! – new disappointment?
  • Pro and Contra: When machines are supposed to help
  • University and Business: A chair to wear


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Basic data

Publication frequency: once every year since summer 2019
No. of copies: 5,000 (issues 2019, 2020); 4,000 (issues 2021-2023); 3,500 (issue 2024) 

When printing the research magazine, we only use wood that comes from responsible forestry. We print climate neutrally and support important environmental projects. In 2023, we supported the reforestation of mixed forests in Germany and reforestation in the Amazon. In 2022 we donated to the Freiburg city forest. In 2021, we supported a mountain forest and climate project in the Allgäu region (Germany). For the 2020 issue, we donated money to the climate protection project at Virunga National Park in the D.R. Congo to protect the habitat of mountain gorrilas. For the 2019 edition, we financially supported regional projects in the Harz Mountains, Germany.

All topics are discussed or determined together with the Research and Young Scientific Academics Commission, the Research Funding Unit and Prof. Dr. Thomas Mannel, the Prorector for Research and Junior Scientists. The main requirement for the decision is that it is cutting-edge research that is future-oriented.

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Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Nora Ratmann

Tel.: +49 (0)271/740-4836