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•  Geschäftszimmer:
Mo-Fr: 08:00-13:00 Uhr

•  Studentisches Service-Büro:
Mo-Fr: 08:00-16:00 Uhr

  • Mo-Fr.: 9-14 Uhr


Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen

Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen

Tel.: +49 271/740-3002


Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen

57068 Siegen

Language Tandem

Tandem Banner

Language Tandem

A Language Tandem is a type of intercultural exchange which takes place outside of the classroom. Two students with different native languages meet regularly and communicate in their respective languages. Through the Tandem project, participants have the opportunity to improve their language skills and learn about a different culture through frequent contact with native speakers. Furthermore, participants can choose the topics themselves and improve their language skills in specialised fields.

Once they have been matched successfully, pairs meet at a place and time of their choice. Each meeting is 2x45 minutes long, with each target language being allocated a 45-minute slot. Following successful completion of the tandem, including the submission of a journal entry for a total of five sessions, participants can receive a certificate of attendance. During the semester, the Language Center provides consultation hours, material and suitable rooms for tandem meeting.

Our Tandem Program

We are very happy to announce that our Tandem project will enter a new round in the summer semester 2024!
Here is all the latest information:

  • Initial meeting: You will get to know your tandem partner.
  • Face-to-face meeting: After you have met your partner, you can arrange to meet digitally or, if possible, in person.
  • Materials: Online learning materials are provided in the Tandem moodle room.
  • Language Café for Tandem pairs: The new dates for the following summer semester 2024 will be announced shortly!

The registration period began on the 1st of March 2024 and ended on the 28th of April 2024.

Mail: tandem@spz.uni-siegen.de


Registration period for summer semester 2024 March 1st until April 28th 2024
Initial meeting all languages May 7th, 8 p.m.

If you do not hear from the Tandem team before the initial meeting, please assume for the time being that we unfortunately were unable to find a partner for you. If something changes, we will let you know.
Final interview for acknowledgement of tandem meetings: July 1st until September 30th 2024
Tandem consultation hour Registration via the moodle room of the language learning Tandem
Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
•  Geschäftszimmer:
Mo-Fr: 08:00-13:00 Uhr

•  Studentisches Service-Büro:
Mo-Fr: 08:00-16:00 Uhr

  • Mo-Fr.: 9-14 Uhr


Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen

Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen

Tel.: +49 271/740-3002


Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen

57068 Siegen