Scientific Advisory Board
The internationally-staffed, external Scientific Advisory Board is to lend critical-constructive support to the strategy of the Rectorate regarding research orientation, teaching, and organizational concepts of the University of Siegen, on its way to a regionally networked and internationally visible research university. As a rule, the Advisory Board meets annually. The first meeting was held in January 2011 with the participation of the executive Deans of the four schools and the chairman of the General Students’ Committee.
Members of the external Scientific Advisory Board of the University of Siegen
Dr. Gerard Alberts
- Associate Professor in History of Digital Cultures at the University of Amsterdam
- Board Member of the Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences of the University of Amsterdam
- Editor of the Springer series “History of Computing”
Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. David B. Audretsch, PhD
- Distinguished Professor Ameritech Chair of Economic Development, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana/USA
- Director of the Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana/USA
- Honorary Doctor of the Augsburg University
- Honorary Doctor of the Jӧnkӧping University, Denmark
- Honorary Doctor of the University of Siegen
Previous activities
- Director of the Research Department on Entrepreneurship, Growth & Public Policy of the Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena
- Acting Director of the WZB – Berlin Social Science Center
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ingolfur Blühdorn
- Professor for Social Sustainability of the Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Founder and Head of Institute for Social Change and Sustainability at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
Previous activities
- Associate Professor (Reader) for Political Sociology at the University of Bath, Great Britain
- Director of Research and Head of the Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) European Politics at the University of Bath, Great Britain
Helmut Dockter
Previous activities
- Retired State Secretary at the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Joachim Ebeling
- Professor of Optoelectronics at the University of Ulm
- Winner of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (1987)
- Winner of the Karl Heinz Beckurts Prize (1997)
Previous activities
- Retired President of the University of Ulm
- Director the Institute of Optoelectronics at the University of Ulm
Prof. Dr. Martin Hill
- Co-Shareholder of Hill GmbH
- Chairman of the Advisory Board of IFM Solutions GmbH
- Member of the „Platform Industrie 4.0“ by the Federal Government
- Honorary Professor of Entrepreneurship, University of Siegen
Previous activities
- Vice President and General Manager of Digital Supply Chain Management MEE Region (Central and Eastern Europe) at SAP SE
- Founder of GWU (later TechniData BCS GmbH/TechniData GmbH)
Dr. Patrick Honecker, MBA
- Chief Communication Officer (CCO) at the TU Darmstadt
Previous activities
- Director of Communications and Marketing at the University of Cologne
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Krücken
- Professor of Higher Education Research at the University of Kassel
- Managing Director of the International Center for University Research Kassel (INCHER-Kassel) Dr. Patricia Oster-Stierle
- Professor of French Literary Studies at the Saarland University
Previous activities
- Vice President of the German-French University
- Vice President for Europe and Culture at the Saarland University
- Vice President for Planning and Strategy at the Saarland University
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beatrice Rammstedt
- Vice-President of GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
- Scientific director of the department “Survey Design and Methodology” at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Mannheim
- Professor of Psychological Assessment, Survey Design and Methodology at the University of Mannheim
- Editor-In-Chief of the scholarly journal “MISS – Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences”
Patrick Schnepper
- Project leader in the policy unit of the general student committee of the University of Cologne
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Sturn
- Chair of the Graz Schumpeter Centre of the University of Graz
Previous activities
- Director of the Institute of Public Economics and Professor of Finance at the University of Graz
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Ullmann
- Professor of Modern History at the University of Cologne
Previous activities
- Academic Dean at the School of Education of the University of Cologne
- Dean of the School of Philosophy of the University of Cologne
- Vice Dean of the Economics School of the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Former members of the external Scientific Advisory Board:
- Univ.-Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Dietrich Benner
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Siegfried Bethke
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans-Uwe Erichsen
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Forst
- Dr. Elisabeth Freismuth
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilfried Juling
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kleine
- Dr. Barbara Koch-Priewe
- Univ.-Prof. em. Dr. Roland Posner (†)
- Prof. Dr. Jozef Marie Mathias Ritzen
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Horst Struve
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Quante
Dominik Weber
Personal Assistant to the Rector:
Telephone: +49 271 740-4956