Are you looking for a solution for your problem?
Every university member can participate in bringing in problems, needs for action or suggestions for improvement centrally via the Quality Center Siegen.
In case of problems in studying and teaching, the Q-coordinator of the faculty or the ZLB is usually your first point of contact. If overarching problems are identified or if problems cannot be solved at this level, you can contact the central complaints management.
Good to know...FAQ
How should I proceed?
If you have a problem, first seek a personal conversation with the person concerned. Sometimes this will lead to a solution. If you have already tried this, but are not getting anywhere, contact the Q-coordinator of your faculty or us via the complaint form.
How does the QZS work?
We will check your request, research the background if necessary and identify the responsible internal departments. If you have already contacted another office before or at the same time, please name it and the date of contact. This will help us to proceed in a coordinated manner and reduce the workload.
If necessary, we will coordinate further steps with you. At this point, we can also consider together whether the QZS should contact the responsible contact persons or whether you would like to represent your concerns yourself. In any case, you will receive feedback as soon as possible and will be informed about progress. The prerequisite for this is an existing e-mail address. -
Who can I contact?
In all faculties, teaching units, central institutions and the university administration you will find contact persons, to whom you can turn directly in case of problems. Because you know the conditions on site exactly, these offices can often bring about a solution in a direct way. If you do not know exactly who to contact, you can contact the Q-coordinators who exist in every faculty and in the ZLB. Your student council or the AStA are also suitable points of contact.
Can I contact you anonymously?
Yes, you can contact us anonymously. However, in order to contact you, we need an existing e-mail address. Otherwise a response is not possible. Important: Depending on the problem you report, the factual situation itself may already point to your person. In this case, we will point this out to you and coordinate the further procedure with you.
What happens with my personal data?
Your request will be treated strictly confidential. No information will be forwarded or action taken without your express order. No personal data will be passed on without your consent. Your data will only be used to process the case.
Contact persons in the faculties
It often makes sense to address the problem directly to the corresponding faculty. For quality issues, please contact the Q-coordinators If your problem could not be solved there or your request is of an overarching nature, please contact the central complaint and ideas management of the QZS.
Support und Feedback: To whom should I apply?
Help and advice relating to the course of study:
- Central study guidance
- Advisory centre for college drop-outs NAVII
- Bridges to study
- Office of equality
- Office of family service
- Servicebüro Inklusive Uni
- International Office
- Psychological counseling
In case of general questions relating to the courses of study, especially in the fields General study guidance, psychological advice for students, studies for disabled people, study financing and scholarships..
Course guidance service and Academic Advisor
The departmental Student Advisors and Academic Advisors of the corresponding faculty give advice to potential students concerning professional questions as well as students concerning professional studies and planned study progress.
General support and feedback
In case of general problems and suggestions for improvement you will find in the following an overview of different contact points and contact forms
Quality coordinators of the faculites and the
for Teacher Training
Contact persons for the faculty related subjects are the quality coordinators.