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Persönliche Referentin für den Bereich Internationales

Eva Grottschreiber

Contact by email
AR-NA 512

Comenius International Partnership Program


The University of Siegen would like to expand its international network and its profile. To encourage this expansion, the University will launch the Comenius International Partnership Program on January 1, 2022. Applications for the current and the following year are possible at any time, the money for stays in the current year must be spent by the end of February of the following year. Please note that in the case of a funding commitment, only the committed amount is available. If higher costs are incurred, the difference must be paid by your own cost center.
Candidates are selected by the Senate Committee for International Affairs and Lifelong Learning (generally 3 meeting dates per year). The next submission deadline for Comenius applications is August 25, 2024; the decision on funding will be made at the Commission meeting on 04.09.2024.

Please also note that the university-internal funding for doctoral candidates is also open to international persons. This also applies to the University-internal Research Funding (HIFF).

Please carefully review the application and invoicing information. For any further questions, please contact Eva Grottschreiber.

The program is a project (until 2026) of the Prorectorate for Students and Junior Faculty, Diversity and International Affairs and encompasses the following areas

Incoming to Siegen

1. Long-term stays from 2 months to 1 semester

Comenius International Partnership Program for Mobile Researchers
The program encompasses the Comenius Fellowship for Mobile Researchers in the sense of a stay (at least two months up to one semester) at the University of Siegen and aims at strengthening networks of Siegen researchers and international colleagues. The purpose of the grant is to support joint work on a high-profile research project, which should be thematically located within the framework of the research priorities of the University of Siegen. You can find the guidelines here and the application here.  Applications for visiting scholars (incl. alumni) from the Focused Partners of the University of Siegen may be given preferential treatment.
Please note that in addition to the application, an approximately one-page assessment of an external, independent examiner must also be obtained that addresses the purpose of the grant (see guidelines).

2. Short-term stays of generally 1 week
Comenius International Partnership Program for International Guests
The program aims at short stays (generally one week) of guests from international partner universities. They serve to strengthen the respective cooperation and to intensify the exchange on all levels. You can find the application here.
Applications for guests from the Focused Partners of the University of Siegen may be given priority.

Outgoing from Siegen

1. Short-term stays of generally 1 week for existing partnerships
Comenius International Partnership Program for Outgoing Visits: Existing Partnerships 
The stays at existing partner universities (with institutionalized partnership) serve to strengthen the respective cooperation and to intensify the exchange at all levels (increasing mobility, research output, marketing projects, etc.). You can find the application here. Applications for stays at Focused Partners of the University of Siegenmay be given priority.

2. Short-term stays of generally 1 week for new partnerships
Comenius International Partnership Program for Outgoing Visits: New Partnerships
The stays aim to establish new collaborations with universities in particularly popular countries (currently only Australia, Great Britain, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, South Korea, USA). You can find the application here.

    Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
    Persönliche Referentin für den Bereich Internationales

    Eva Grottschreiber

    Contact by email
    AR-NA 512