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Things to know

Officers and interest groups

The following officers and representations work at the University of Siegen:

Data protection officer

It is the task of the data protection officer to support the university administration in implementing data protection and, as a staff contact, clarify data protection issues.

Data protection serves to safeguard the right to informational self-determination. This right is intended to enable individuals to control who knows and processes what personal data about them.
As a body governed by public law, the University of Siegen is a public body in terms of data protection law. It processes the personal data of its members and staff in the faculties and the university administration. According to the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (HEA NW), the Rector, the Chancellor, the full-time university staff and the enrolled students are members.

The University is first and foremost subject to the Data Protection Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (DPA NW). Insofar as sector-specific (federal) data protection law exists, e.g. for telecommunications, teleservices and media services, for social security funds or the statistical offices, the DPA NW is subordinate.

Gender equality officer

The task of the gender equality officer and her deputies is to work on the implementation of the fundamental right to equality of women and men, to reduce existing disadvantages for women and to improve the work-family balance for women and men.
The staff of the gender equality office support these activities and are available for advice and information in the various subject areas.

Gender equality officer

Information technology forms the basis of many different services and applications at the University of Siegen, as most processes are increasingly IT-based. Sometimes the user is not even aware that IT is involved. Functional and secure IT has become an important component of successful research and teaching.

The objective of IT security is to ensure the availability of data, services and applications, as well as to ensure data integrity and confidentiality. On these pages you will find general and university-related information on various IT security topics.

JAV – Youth and trainee representation

The law requires that a youth and trainee representationconsisting of three members shall be elected at institutions where 21 to 50 persons are in training
The youth and trainee representation represents all trainees and adolescent staff at the University of Siegen. It is first and foremost a point of contact regarding their training.

Council for academic and artistic staff

The basis for the work of the council for academic and artistic staff (WPR)) at the University of Siegen is the State Staff Representation Act of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia. It must be involved in various forms before decisions are taken by the place of employment. The strongest form of participation is participative management. Measures requiring participative management can only be implemented after the staff council has agreed to them. Above all, however, the staff council is a point of contact for staff in the event of problems at the workplace.

Council for technical and administrative staff

The basis for the work of the Council for technical and administrative staff is the State Staff Representation Act of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, which provides for various forms of participation in decision by the management of the place of employment, such as participation in the recruitment of staff and civil servants. The staff council represents the social and personal interests of staff and civil servants within the scope of their employment and official duties. It is a direct point of contact for the staff.

Representation of persons with severe disabilities

The representation of persons with severe disabilities ensures that the statutory provisions applicable to persons with severe disabilities are implemented and, in particular, that the obligations incumbent on the employer are fulfilled. It furthermore applies to the competent authorities for measures benefitting persons with severe disabilities (including preventive measures) and is the point of contact for complaints and suggestions from persons with severe disabilities and works towards their resolution through negotiations with the employer. In addition, it supports the staff with application for the identification of disabilities, their degrees and severe disabilities, as well as with applications for equal opportunities, and assists with concerns and needs within the scope of its possibilities.

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As a service facility, the library of the University of Siegen primarily ensures the supply of literature and information for university members in research, teaching and degree programs. All members of the university, including non-academic staff, are entitled to use it.

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The primary task of this section is the transfer of science and research results from the University of Siegen to the region and the brokering of contacts, e.g. from the business world or other institutions and facilities into the university. If, for example, you want to clarify the market potential of a product, need support in the new or further development of a product, want to prepare a market analysis or want to be shown social consequences or trends, the transfer section will put you in touch with the desired contact at our university.

The transfer section is a part of "Connect.US -Transfer.Alumni.Gründung.Career”. Connect.US sees itself as a bridge builder between research and business. The objective is to enable the transfer of knowledge and technology from the university into practice and to foster requests for contact, research and cooperation from practice to academic research and teaching.

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Corporate design

The University of Siegen represents itself in a uniform manner to the outside world. The binding guidelines aim at a consistent public image and an unmistakable appearance that is easy to recognize.
Under Corporate design, you will find various logos, the colors and the font of the University of Siegen, for example. Templates for letterheads, business cards, door signs, fliers and screen templates are also available.
The competent contact in this area is the marketing section of the Press and Communications Office.

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Dual Career Service

Since March 2010, the University of Siegen has been making an important contribution to the work-family balance with its Dual Career Service as part of the “Family-friendly University Audit”. This service is especially aimed at the partners and families of newly appointed professors and newly hired young researchers and staff who want to live and work together in the Siegen region.

We offer advice and support in all questions that arise for you, your partner and your family in connection with your career development and your relocation to Siegen. The focus is on supporting the partners in their search for career opportunities. In addition, we of course also offer advice and information on housing and living in Siegen as well as looking for schools and childcare services.

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EMIL – Experience exchange for teaching staff

EMIL is an informal association of academic employees at the University of Siegen. The name says it all: the mid-level staff want to share their positive and negative experiences that each of us has in our jobs. To this end, informal but regular monthly meetings are held in which the EMIL members share their thoughts, primarily on methodological and didactic topics. You can find out more on the pages of EMIL.

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FoKoS – Research center “Shaping a Humane Future”

The research center “Shaping a Humane Future” (FoKoS) at the University of Siegen is based on a joint initiative of the University of Siegen, the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Future Foundation of Sparkasse Siegen. The objective of the research center is to open up innovative and creative research work beyond the boundaries of individual disciplines. Because only those who look beyond the boundaries of their own subject and knowledge can make a contribution to solving social challenges arising from digitalization, migration or demographic change.

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Laws, collective agreements and service agreements

On the following pages you can find legal texts, collective agreements and service agreements relevant to you:/p>


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House Rules

The House Rules apply to all buildings and premises used by the University. Exceptions are regulated on an individual case basis by the infrastructural building management (IGM), e.g. for student-managed rooms or premises of the student services. The House Rules provide the basis for the appropriate administration of the University's properties. The House Rules are binding for all members and staff of the University as well as for all persons while staying on the premises and in the rooms of the University.


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House of Young Talents (HYT)

The University of Siegen is pursuing the objective of improving the quality of academic early-career support. In addition to the professional qualification within the faculties, the establishment of a “House of Young Talents (HYT)” structuring, coordinating and sustainably promoting academic early-career support is intended to contribute to this. The focus is on a university-wide portal as a contact and coordination point for those interested in doctoral studies, doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and habilitation candidates as well as junior professors.

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University didactics

A high level of teaching competence on the part of the teaching staff is in the interest of the University and its students and also plays an important role in the individual career planning of researchers. The University of Siegen supports the didactic qualification of its lecturers by offering a range of topics and courses tailored to the targeted audience which take into account the cross-cutting issues of digitalization, diversity and education for sustainable development. With the certificate program “Professional Teaching Competence for University” and the wide range of informal learning opportunities, participants have the opportunity to reflect on their own teaching from a point of view of university didactics.

The Center for the Promotion of University Teaching is available to you as a contact in the area of university didactics.

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Moodle – the learning management system

With the Moodle learning management system, the ZIMT offers the lecturers at the University of Siegen the option of web-based course support, i.e. the use of virtual course rooms to accompany classroom teaching. After setting up your ZIMT account (see under 3.5), you can use the system and book editorial rights via UniSIM.

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University Administrative Offices Network

The “University Administrative Offices Network” is at your disposal for any questions concerning the activities of the administrative offices at the University. The colleagues of the network will be happy to help you at any time, offer the opportunity to establish contacts and exchange information and experiences. You can find further information on the webpages of the “University Administrative Offices Network” of the University of Siegen or by sending an inquiry by e-mail.

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Press and Communications Office

The team of the Press Office sees itself as a service provider for staff and media. The Press Office supports journalists in their research and University members in publishing important research results, academic activities and events. A range of publications completes the service. The Office also manages the marketing activities of the University of Siegen as well as the central events.

Note: Information for the press, radio and television is generally available from the Rector or the Chancellor as well as the Press and Communications Office. Other staff members may also provide information in consultation with them. The following applies in general: Do not be taken by surprise, but take your time, think about how you want to position yourself, and ask to have the material (text, film, etc.) submitted for approval before publication. The Press Office is at your disposal if you have any questions.

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On January 1, 2013, the University of Siegen introduced SAP. If you have the required authorization, you can independently access reports on the finances of your section/chair via an SAP portal. Among other things, the SAP homepage provides the link to the portal, the contacts, information material and training facilities.

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You can benefit from the support of the UniPrint team as a service provider in the production of print products..

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unisono - the campus management system

The unisono (University of Siegen online organization) information system is the new campus management system of the University of Siegen. Here you can find the current catalog of courses offered and information about the University and its staff, among other things. All courses for students at the University of Siegen are subject to registration. All registrations are handled via unisono, as is the booking of examination performances previously registered online. Access identification (user name and password) is required for the maintenance of data in unisono (in particular of courses, persons, rooms, headlines, etc.) and the booking of services. Please fill in the required application for use and send it to the given address.

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There is a wide range of housing available in the Siegen-Wittgenstein region: whether in the countryside, in the old town or close to the city. The residential environment is characterized by a healthy environment, a good social structure, family-friendliness, comparatively inexpensive home ownership, inexpensive building plots and the variety of choice.

A total of 11 towns and communities belong to the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein. The city of Siegen with its around 102,000 inhabitants is spread over 23 districts. The largest districts in terms of population are Siegen, Weidenau and Geisweid. You can find extensive information on the housing market situation as well as on the housing information exchange on the pages of the Dual Career Service.

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