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Board of Directors



The management of the Center for Sensor Systems (ZESS) is the responsibility of the board of directors.
All project or female project leaders, one representative or female representative of the scientific employees and female employees and one representative or female representative of the administrative and technical staff belong to the board of directors.
The board of directors has the following tasks:

  •  To decide on applications for treatment of projects in the ZESS.
  •  To decide on the membership in the ZESS.
  •  To decide on the use of the financial means assigned to the ZESS.
  •  To choose from his middle university teachers or female university teachers for a term of two years as the chairperson as well as deputies or female deputies. A reelection is allowed.
  •  To accept the account report of the managing board of directors.
  •  To decide about the composition of the scientific council.
  •  To choose, for the organization of the research projects at ZESS, project leaders, who represent an in this subject consistent field within ZESS, who independently raise third-party funds and who are supported by   ZESS appropriately.

The chairperson of the board of directors represents ZESS outwardly, he invites to meetings of the board and leads the meetings.
The chairman of the board of directors and the deputy or the female deputy carry out the running business of the ZESS (Executive Director). The executive board provides for the realization of the duties of the ZESS regardless of the duties of the board of directors and the technical responsibility of the project leaders and female project leaders.
He decides on the scheduling of the scientific staff so far if not a project leaders or female project leader by the board of directors is assigned. For these duties an office is furnished. The managing board of directors is liable to information compared with the board of directors and liable to account, and he delivers an account report for each year.
The managing board is supported by the realization of his duties by a male or female managing director.
Under the responsiblity of the board of directors or the managing board of directors,  the ZESS is represented by the mangaging director in interests of the organizational processes and is responsible for the ZESS staff (employees and female employees in technique and administration). She/he provides for the realization of the duties of the ZESS regardless of the duties of the board of directors or the managing board of directors and the technical responsibility of the project leaders concerning the project realization.

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