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One-month research stays at ATHENA universities

PhD-exchange 2023The DAAD national accompanying programme "European University Networks (EUN) - national initiative" gives two PhD students of University of Siegen the opportunity to spend a one-month research stay at an ATHENA partner university. The stay supports your research project by using additional laboratories and infrastructure and promotes the exchange with international researchers. All information on application and organisation can be found in the FAQ below.

Two PhD students from the ATHENA partner universities can also benefit from the DAAD national accompanying programme and conduct research at University of Siegen for a full month. More information on this can be found in the section Information for PhD students from partner universities.

Information for PhD students from University of Siegen

Conditions of participation

PhD students from all disciplines are eligible to participate if they are enrolled at University of Siegen and their position is not financed by DAAD funds.

Partner universities

The research visits are possible at the following ATHENA universities:

  • Hellenic Mediterranean University (Greece)
  • Niccolò Cusano University (Italy)
  • Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal)
  • University of Maribor (Slovenia)
  • University of Orléans (France)
  • Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)


Please fill in the application form for PhD students from University of Siegen and send the following documents by email to athena@uni-siegen.de:

  • Your CV
  • A letter of motivation in which you explain your research interests and areas of work (max. two pages)
  • A declaration of consent from the supervisor of your dissertation


The application deadline is 28 February 2023.

The ATHENA team of University of Siegen will check your application and take care of the placement at the partner universities. It is not necessary to contact a partner university before submitting your application.

You will receive feedback on your application at the end of March. The stay abroad is possible until the end of December 2023.


The DAAD will support you with up to 400 euros for travel expenses and up to 1,400 euros for accommodation and meals. You will receive information on how to account for all expenses and how to apply for an advance payment once your application has been approved.


If you have any questions, please contact the ATHENA team at University of Siegen at athena@uni-siegen.de

Information for PhD students from ATHENA partner universities

Conditions of participation

PhD students from all disciplines are eligible to participate if they are enrolled at one of the ATHENA partner universities and their position is not financed by DAAD funds


Please fill in the application form for PhD students from ATHENA partner universities and send the following documents by email to athena@uni-siegen.de:

  • Your CV
  • A letter of motivation in which you explain your research interests and areas of work (max. two pages)
  • A declaration of consent from the supervisor of your dissertation


The application deadline is 28 February 2023.

The ATHENA team of University of Siegen will check your application and take care of the placement at University of Siegen. It is not necessary to contact chairs/departments at University of Siegen before submitting your application.

You will receive feedback on your application at the end of March. The stay in Siegen is possible until the end of December 2023.


The DAAD will support you with up to 400 euros for travel expenses and up to 1,400 euros for accommodation and meals. You will receive information on how to account for all expenses and how to apply for an advance payment once your application has been approved.


If you have any questions, please contact the ATHENA team at University of Siegen at athena@uni-siegen.de

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