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BlendEd Mobility Project 2022/23

Project period: February to June 2023
Application period: November – December 2022
ECTS: varies, 6, 9, 15, 20 etc.

BlendEd Mobility is an international collaboration between 17 universities and university colleges. Each year, students from the partner universities are selected to develop an innovative, interdisciplinary project proposed by a company. The students are from different fields of study, such as Business Development, Management, Electronics, IT, and Design.


The students are assessed based on different factors, e.g., teamwork, peer-to-peer assessment, individual contribution in process and product, documentation and report, (midterm and final) presentations.


  • Improve your technical skills and give a boost to your employability
  • Work in an international and interdisciplinary team and improve your personal skills
  • Gain experience in project work with a company
  • Get ECTS for the project (e.g. 6, 9, 15, 20 ECTS)
  • Certificate upon successful completion of the project

Important dates

  • November/December 2022: Application period; Students interested in joining the BlendEd Mobility Project 2022/2023 send their CV as soon as possible to Mr. Omar Gamal (omar.gamal@uni-siegen.de)
  • December 2022: Announcement of selected students to join the BlendEd Mobility Project; announcement of the projects offered by the companies and startups>; students select their projects
  • February 2023: Kick-off Meeting in Orléans, France
  • June 2023: Final Meeting


Students' travel and accommodation during Kick-off and Final Meetings are funded by ATHENA European University.


If you are motivated to work in an international team and enhance your technical and social skills, join the 2022/2023 BlendEd Mobility edition in Orléans, France. Interested students can send their CVs and transcript of records to Mr. Omar Gamal omar.gamal@uni-siegen.de and enroll for the BlendEd Mobility Moodle course.

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