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Zentrale Studienberatung
im F-S Gebäude
Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen

Erreichbarkeit der
studentischen Hotline:
0271 740-2712
Mo - Do: 9 - 16 Uhr
Fr: 9 - 12 Uhr


Terminvereinbarung für eine Beratung über:
0271 740-2712

International Students
You find information about the admission procedure here: STARTING


Biomedical Technology - Digital Biomedical and Health Sciences


Bachelor of Science

More information

can be found here

Language of instruction


Dates and Deadlines

To overview


The degree program

This innovative degree program for health professions of the future, which is unique in Germany, imparts a broad knowledge from the fields of medicine, natural sciences, computer science as well as social and health sciences. It aims at a new occupational profile in the health care professions, in which academic professionals are trained in an interdisciplinary setting with a focus on the challenges and opportunities of digitalization. The degree program makes it possible to focus on the natural sciences, engineering or social sciences and thus offers a wide range of medically related training opportunities. Prospective students should be communicative and open-minded, as well as eager to learn and work in an interdisciplinary setting. Approximately 60 percent of the course content is the same regardless of the chosen specialization and promotes central knowledge and skills in the health system. With the continuation of the studies, the common teaching content decreases and specialization towards the selected focus increases. Changing the area of special focus is possible.


Areas of special focus

The specialization in the field of “Biomedical Technology” provides basic scientific knowledge and qualifications in the field of biomedicine. The strongly application-oriented contents of the biomedical fields represented in this study program are combined in a unique way with the acquisition of skills in medical computer science and digital image processing. Students are enabled to develop and apply modern biomedical technologies, especially in the fields of genetic engineering, enzyme technology, cell culture technology, bioanalytics and biotechnology.


Professional prospects

Graduates are qualified for positions in the field of biomedical research and development. There is a great demand for biotechnologists with a biomedical/bioinformatics background both in Germany and abroad. This opens up a wide range of career prospects at various research institutes and research-related institutions. Possible occupational fields are in the biomedical and pharmaceutical industry, industrial biotechnology, the food industry, laboratory diagnostics, hospitals and public authorities.


Important information

Under certain conditions, it is also possible to take up the course of study with a technical college entrance qualification (Fachhochschulreife). You can find more information here


Further areas of special focus in the degree program

In addition to the subject of special focus in Biomedical Technology, the areas of special focus in Digital Public Health and Digital Medical Technology are available.

digitalpublichealth biomedicaltechnology


Master´s degree program

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche

Zentrale Studienberatung
im F-S Gebäude
Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen

Erreichbarkeit der
studentischen Hotline:
0271 740-2712
Mo - Do: 9 - 16 Uhr
Fr: 9 - 12 Uhr


Terminvereinbarung für eine Beratung über:
0271 740-2712

International Students
You find information about the admission procedure here: STARTING
