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(2022): Disinformation and Counter-strategies in Challenging Times – The German Case , extract from the EnTrust Integrated Report on Trust and the Media. 

(2022): Social movements’ Role in Trust building: Citizens’ Empowerment and the Limits of Social inclusion. Insights from Germany, Extract from the EnTrust Integrated Report on the Role of Democratic Social movements, mit Schneider, S.

(2021): Professionally Trusting by Default? Notions of Trust in the German System of Welfare support for Families, extract from the EnTrust Integrated Report on Trust and Distrust at the Street-level of Public policy, mit Schneider, S. 

(2021): Transnational Solidarity in Times of Crises: Citizen Organisations and Collective Learning in Europe, Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, herausgeg. mit Lahusen, C. und Kousis, M.

(2021): Introduction: Citizen Organisations, Transnational Solidarity and Collective Learning in Europe, in: Christian Lahusen, Ulrike Zschache, Maria Kousis (Hrsg.):  Transnational Solidarity in Times of Crises: Citizen Organisations and Collective Learning in Europe, Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-29, mit Lahusen, C. und Kousis, M.

(2021): New Challenges and Changing Opportunities: The Differing Responses of Transnational Solidarity Organisations in Germany,  in: Christian Lahusen, Ulrike Zschache, Maria Kousis (Hrsg.):  Transnational Solidarity in Times of Crises: Citizen Organisations and Collective Learning in Europe, Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 91-127.

(2021): Conclusions: Differing Contexts, Converging Experiences, Transnational Solidarity, in: Christian Lahusen, Ulrike Zschache, Maria Kousis (Hrsg.):  Transnational Solidarity in Times of Crises: Citizen Organisations and Collective Learning in Europe, Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 271-298, mit Lahusen, C.

(2020): What Is Solidarity About? Views of Transnational Organisations’ Activists in Germany, Poland, and Greece, in: Sociological Research Online, Special Section: Transnational Solidarity Organizations in Times of Crises: Comparative European Perspectives, 26(3), 628-648.

(2018): Solidarity as a Legal and Constitutional Principle in European Countries - Germany, in: Christian Lahusen, Veronica Federico (Hrsg.): Solidarity as a Public Virtue? Law and Public Policies in the European Union, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 69-89.

(2018): Disability, Unemployment, Immigration: The Implicit Role of Solidarity in German Legislation, in: Christian Lahusen, Veronica Federico (Hrsg.): Solidarity as a Public Virtue? Law and Public Policies in the European Union, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 303-336.

(2018): Solidarity Activism in Germany: What Explains Different Types and Levels of Engagement?, in: Christian Lahusen, Maria Grasso (Hrsg.): Solidarity in Europe. Citizens' Responses in Times of Crisis, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 43-71, mit Lahusen, C., Kiess, J.

(2018): European Solidarity in Times of Crisis: Comparing Transnational Activism of Civic Organisations in Germany and Greece, in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Supplement 1/43: Power and Counter-Power in Europe, 173–197, mit Lahusen, C., Kousis, M., Loukakis, A.

(2016): The Differential Europeanisation of Public Discourse. Media Debates about the Common Agricultural Policy in Germany and Spain, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

(2015): Reflecting the Global? The Common Agricultural Policy and its Perception in Public Media Discourse, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 23(2), 253-271.

(2012): Explaining the Puzzling Persistence of Restrictions on Seasonal Farm Labor in Germany; in: European Review of Agricultural Economics, 39(4), 707-728, mit Hess, S.; Cramon-Taubadel, S. von; Theuvsen, L.; Kleinschmit, D.

(2012): Renaissance öffentlicher Wirtschaft? Eine Medienanalyse, in: Schaefer, Christina; Theuvsen, Ludwig (eds.): Renaissance öffentlicher Wirtschaft. Bestandsaufnahme - Kontexte - Perspektiven, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 91-118, mit Theuvsen, L.

(2011): Die Privatisierung kommunaler Unternehmen im Spiegel massenmedialer Diskurse, in: ZögU, 34(1), 3-24, mit Theuvsen, L.

(2010): Stabilität und Wandel agrarpolitischer Diskurse am Beispiel der Auseinandersetzung über Bioenergie in deutschen Massenmedien, in: Kayser, Maike; Böhm, Justus; Spiller, Achim (eds.): Die Ernährungswirtschaft in der Öffentlichkeit - Social Media als neue Herausforderung der PR, Göttingen: Cuvillier, 291-331, mit Theuvsen, L.; Cramon-Taubadel, S. von

(2010): Öffentliche Deutungen im Bioenergiediskurs: Eine qualitative Medienanalyse, in: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 88(3), 502-512, mit Cramon-Taubadel, S. von; Theuvsen, L.

(2010): Explaining Path Dependence through Discourse Analysis: The Case of Seasonal Farm Workers in Germany, in: Schreyögg, Georg; Sydow, Jörg (eds.): Hidden Dynamics of Path Dependency: Organizational and Institutional Path Processes, Houndmills/Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 197-216, mit Hess, S.; Kleinschmit, D.; Theuvsen, L.; Cramon-Taubadel, S. von

(2009): A Discourse Analysis Approach to Explain the Path Dependency of Seasonal Farm Labour Regulations in Germany, in: Berg, E., Hartmann, M., Heckelei, T., Holm-Müller, K., Schiefer, G. (eds.): Risiken in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft und ihre Bewältigung, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., 44; Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster-Hiltrup, 305-316, mit Hess, S.; Kleinschmit, D.; Theuvsen, L.; Cramon-Taubadel, S. von

(2008): Einheit in Vielfalt? Vorstellungen von der Europäischen Union in deutschen Pressekommentaren zum Türkei-Beitritt, Sociologia Internationalis, 46(1), 69-90, mit Schäfer, M. S.

(2008): Vorstellungen über die EU in der öffentlichen Debatte. Eine Analyse deutscher Pressekommentare zum EU-Beitritt der Türkei, BSSE working paper 12, Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, mit Schäfer, M. S., http://www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/soziologie/arbeitsbereiche/makrosoziologie/arbeitspapiere/pdf/BSSE_12_Vorstellungen___ber_die_EU_in_der___ffentlichen_Debatte.pdf

(2008): Europa im Mediendiskurs: Die Auseinandersetzung um den Beitritt der Türkei zur Europäischen Union in der deutschen Presse, Saarbrücken: Akademiker Verlag (VDM).



(2022): Institutional Fragmentation and Welfare Users' Trust in the Social Assistance System in Germany and Poland, with Schneider, S., Theiss, M. and Gedek, W., paper presented at the 28th International Conference of Europeanists - The Environment of Democracy, 29 June 2022, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.

(2022): The Conditionality of Trust-building in Frontline Workers: Welfare Users Relations in Germany and Denmark, with Brus, A., Trenz, HJ and Schneider, S., paper presented at the 28th International Conference of Europeanists - The Environment of Democracy, 29 June 2022, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.

(2016): The Reawakening of Civil Society: Civic Contestation and Solidarity Practices in Response to the “Refugee Crisis”, paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, panel: Narratives of Contention and International Crises: Civil Society and the Refugee Crisis, 7.-10. Sept. 2016, Charles University Prague.

(2016):  Lost in Translation? Building and Sustaining Transnational Solidarity in Times of Crisis, with Nicola Maggini and Tom Montgomery, paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, panel: Transnational Solidarity and Alternative Action Organisations in European Countries at Times of Crises, 7.-10. Sept. 2016, Charles University Prague.

(2016):  New Patterns of Solidarity towards Refugees and Migrants in Germany and Denmark, mit Deniz Duru, ECPR Standing Group/ SGEU Conference  "The 8th Pan-European Conference on the European Union", 16.-18. Juni 2016, Universität Trento.

(2012): The Common Agricultural Policy in a Global Perspective, 11th GSA Conference 2012 "Globalizing cultures and identities: sport, lifestyle, heritage", Manchester Metropolitan University, 5.-7. Juli 2012.

(2012): Legitimating European Governance? Media Debates on the Common Agricultural Policy in Germany and Spain, Sociology Summer Conference and Intellectual Party, Lancaster University, 2.-3. Juli 2012.

(2012): The Europeanisation of National Discourses on Agricultural Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Spanish and German Media Coverage; Challenging Europe - Debating European Challenges: Media, Society and European Politics (panel convenor), CEISR Conference “Towards a European Society? Transgressing Disciplinary Boundaries in European Studies Research”, University of Portsmouth, 28.-30. Juni 2012.

(2012): The Europeanisation of policy ideas? A quantitative media analysis of the debate about the Common Agricultural Policy in the German and Spanish press, DELC Colloquium, Lancaster University, 6. Juni 2012.

(2012): Communicating the European Agricultural Reform: A Media Analysis of the Discursive Negotiations over the European "Agricultural Turnaround" in the Spanish and German Broadsheet Press, 8th Conference of the History of European Integration Research Society "Communicating European Integration", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 30.-31. März 2012.

(2011): The Europeanisation of European Societies: A Media Analysis of Public Discourses on the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union in Germany and Spain, Sociology Summer Conference 2011, Lancaster University, 4.-5. Juli 2011.

(2011): The Europeanisation of Public Discourses. A Media Analysis of Public Attitudes and Interpretations on the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, DELC-Colloquium, Lancaster University, 8. Juni 2011.

(2010): Stabilität und Wandel agrarpolitischer Diskurse am Beispiel der Auseinandersetzung über Bioenergie in deutschen Massenmedien, DARE conference „Die Ernährungswirtschaft im Scheinwerferlicht der Öffentlichkeit", Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 12.-13. Januar 2010.

(2008): A Discourse Analysis Approach to Explain the Path Dependency of Seasonal Farm Labour Regulations in Germany, GEWISOLA annual conference 2008 "Risiken in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft und ihre Bewältigung", Universität Bonn, 24.-26. September 2008.

(2005): Musikgeschmack als Mittel der sozialen Distinktion, Universität Leipzig, 11. Januar 2005.


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