Call for abstracts
Over the last ten years natural hazards have caused more than one million fatalities and losses of more than 50 billion dollars each year with more than 400 billion dollars in damage in 2011 alone. Hurricane Sandy, the earthquakes in Japan, New Zealand and Haiti, and the severe drought in East Africa are just a few of the recent natural disasters still clear in our minds. Overall, the number of extreme events appears to be increasing and there is concern that this trend will continue with climate change. One hundred per cent protection from such extreme events is not feasible, but reducing the residual risk to a minimum is greatly desirable. In this context, extreme value analysis plays an important role and datasets from in-situ measurements, as well as historical records or numerical model outputs are considered. The aim of this conference is to bring together scientists, practitioners and stakeholders from various fields in order to discuss and tackle this complex and inter-disciplinary topic. State of the art methods as well as innovative approaches for the statistical analyses of various natural hazards events (including but not limited to storm surges, waves, river floods, rainfall, hail, storms, snow, flash floods, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornados) will be presented and discussed. Presentations covering one or more of the following topics are kindly invited:
- Univariate extreme value analyses;
- Multivariate extreme value analyses;
- Regionalisation methods;
- Non-stationary extreme value analyses;
- Uncertainties in extreme value analyses;
- Extreme value analyses and climate scenarios.
Deadline for abstract submission is 24 May 2013.
More information on the abstract submission procedure and templates are available here.
The EVAN 2013 Flyer is available here.