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Christian Neuhaus | Publikationen

  • Neuhaus, Kühnel, Beil:  Studienhandbuch Filmanalyse. Ästhetik und Dramaturgie des Spielfilms. Stuttgart: UTB, erscheint 2012 (zusammen mit Jürgen Kühnel und Benjamin Beil)
  • Neuhaus et al.: Crisis management systems in Germany – A status report about the current functions and developments of private and public crisis management systems in Germany. In: Proceedings of the 12th ISCRAM Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2012
  • Giebel, Daniela/Groneberg, Christoph/Mangold, Benjamin/Neuhaus, Christian (2011): Medienanalyse im Projekt SiKomm. Working Paper. 
  • Neuhaus, Christian: Integrated Crisis Communication as a new approach in Crisis Management. In: Proceedings of the 7th ISCRAM Conference, Seattle, USA, 2010