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English Master Programs Flyer

On August 8 students of nanoscience and nanotechnology participated in an excursion to AIXTRON SE in Herzogenrath. There they could witness how the principles of micro-, nanotechnology and semiconductor physics are put into practice.
A visit to the Aachener Dom and a delicious meal made this excursion a great success. Thanks to Dr Bablich and to Prof Heuken for this memorable and great opportunity!

Nano-Seminar on July 12 at 5 PM in Room H-C 3309. Zidu Li speaks about "Electrochemical metallization memristive devices in emerging technologies"

The annual evaluation meeting of the master degree program Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is scheduled for May 31 at 4 PM in room H-B 6414 or via Telco. Here is the Webex link


Student's Activities

Quanta Club Siegen (QCS) is a Student Chapter of the Optical Society of America (OSA) at the University of Siegen. As part of this global network, groups and people related to optics research come together for scientific and social activities. This helps to create connections within the field.

Regional Group Siegen is a Working Group of Young DPG. They connect physics interested people from the University of Siegen and schools nearby and plan amazing projects and events in addition to building a network with other regional groups in Germany.

JungChemikerForum (JCF) Siegen is part of the nationwide youth organization of the German Chemical Society (GDCh). The JCF is a dynamic group, which offers events and meetings all around Chemistry at the University Siegen. You are welcome to join the organization and bring in your ideas.

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English Master Programs Flyer

On August 8 students of nanoscience and nanotechnology participated in an excursion to AIXTRON SE in Herzogenrath. There they could witness how the principles of micro-, nanotechnology and semiconductor physics are put into practice.
A visit to the Aachener Dom and a delicious meal made this excursion a great success. Thanks to Dr Bablich and to Prof Heuken for this memorable and great opportunity!

Nano-Seminar on July 12 at 5 PM in Room H-C 3309. Zidu Li speaks about "Electrochemical metallization memristive devices in emerging technologies"

The annual evaluation meeting of the master degree program Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is scheduled for May 31 at 4 PM in room H-B 6414 or via Telco. Here is the Webex link