Online applications for the Winter Term 2025/2026 can be submitted from January 1st until April 30th, 2025, for students outside the EU, and from January 1st until August 31st, 2025, for students in the EU
Nano-Seminar on May 22 at 5 PM in Room H-B 6414. Charles Ogolla speaks about "4D-STEM and EELS for structure-functionality investigation of complex carbon-based sensor architectures"
English Master Programs Flyer
On August 8 students of nanoscience and nanotechnology participated in an excursion to AIXTRON SE in Herzogenrath. There they could witness how the principles of micro-, nanotechnology and semiconductor physics are put into practice.
A visit to the Aachener Dom and a delicious meal made this excursion a great success. Thanks to Dr Bablich and to Prof Heuken for this memorable and great opportunity!
Nano-Seminar on July 12 at 5 PM in Room H-C 3309. Zidu Li speaks about "Electrochemical metallization memristive devices in emerging technologies"
The annual evaluation meeting of the master degree program Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is scheduled for May 31 at 4 PM in room H-B 6414 or via Telco. Here is the Webex link
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
The Master in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of the University of Siegen is a two-year 120 ECTS English language degree program offered to national and international students. It focuses on modern aspects of the science and technology of nanoscopic systems, ranging from basic knowledge to applications and devices. It consists of a set of lectures, seminars and lab courses followed by a project in a research group, accomplished by a thesis. The master is a joint initiative of the Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Electrical Engineering of the School of Sciences and Technology.
The master program leads to the acquisition of analytical and methodological competences in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology, with in-depth education and training in physics, chemistry and engineering, yet from an interdisciplinary perspective. Graduates are thus prepared for conducting research in academia and industry, but also to a career in service and consulting companies. Moreover, the master degree qualifies students for a PhD program. In particular, the interdisciplinary character of the course enables them to investigate topics at the interface of physics, chemistry and engineering.
The master program is designed to bridge the Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Engineering, which together cover the entire spectrum of nanoscience and nanotechnology in Siegen. The course not only strengthens education and training in these subjects, but it also provides new opportunities for competitive research.
The aim of the course is (a) to impart current knowledge in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology and (b) to impart the ability to successfully apply this knowledge to new problems. To this end, in-depth scientific skills are acquired, including communication skills that allow students to work independently in scientific fields beyond the traditional subject boundaries, to develop, evaluate and use new methods. The course prepares students for future tasks in the scientific and technical environment. The technical and methodological knowledge should enable them to act responsibly in their profession towards society and the environment. The training therefore combines theory-based, reflective teaching content and practice-oriented aspects. This enables them to work in an interdisciplinary, methodical manner and meets the requirement for a creative scientific qualification. The consecutive Master's degree program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is designed to provide a professional qualification for the career of a scientist in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, and basically to prepare for independent work as part of a doctorate in one of the sub-disciplines of physics, chemistry, engineering and in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The aim of this degree program is to train managers for industry, business and public authorities as well as young academics.
On March 7, 2023, at 12:30 PM (CET) we have an info webinar for prospective students. Please click here for more information. You may also download our slides here
Campus Step-by-Step for incoming international students. Here the link
Welcome meeting for the freshmen of the master degree program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology shall take place on October, 7th 2024 at 3:30 p.m. in the room AR-H 100 and via Webex.
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