Students who wish to take their examinations with me are kindly requested to come to my office hour(s) rather than to just send me an e-mail. It is often fairly time-consuming to discuss such issues electronically. A much better alternative is to come and see me in person so that we can both ask and answer each other's potential questions face-to-face.
Also, please note these sources of information:
- FAQ zum Besuch meiner Sprechstunde
- FAQ zur Modulabschlussprüfung (MAP) im MA
- FAQ zur Betreuung von BA-, MA- und anderen Abschlussarbeiten
- FAQ zum Anfertigen von Seminar- und sonstigen Abschlussarbeiten
- Additional useful information about how to write a scientific text can be found here:
"Using English for Academic Purposes. A Guide for Students in Higher Education"