Recognition of Previous Achievements
Achievements obtained in other degree programs and/or at other universities can be recognized for your degree program if equivalence (in terms of content, scope and requirements) is given. This is not a schematic comparison, but an overall consideration.
- Contact person in your study degree
- Application of Recognition (form only available in German)
- Recommendation for placement in a higher subject-related semester (form only available in German)
Semester abroad
Before the semester abroad, you create a learning agreement listing all the courses you will attend abroad. This agreement is signed off by the contact person in your degree program (list see above).
After your stay abroad, submit the learning agreement together with the transcript of records and the application for recognition to the department again.
Based on the recommendations, the Examination Office issues a notice of recognition and records the recognized performances.
Change of study program within the University of Siegen
If you have changed your study program within the University of Siegen, please complete the form for recognition and send it to the relevant subject representative of your study program (list see above) together with an transcript of your records. A separate application must be submitted for each subject or degree program; recognition for the "Studium Generale" is done via the main subject.
Based on the subject's recommendation, the Examinations Office will enter your achievements and inform you by mail.
Change of university
You transfered from another university? Please submit the form for recognition to your subject representative (see above), as well as a certified copy of your Transcript of Records and a clearance certificate from the previous university regarding the existing examination entitlement in your study program.
Based on the recommendation of your study program, the Examinations Office will issue a notice of recognition and will enter the achievements in your study account. You will be informed by mail.
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