Registration of study and examination results
Registration of study and examination results
You register your exams (Studien- und Prüfungsleistung) within the corresponding examination entry window via unisono; the results are booked by the lecturers themselves.
In all degree programmes of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, starting with the winter semester 2021/22, students who attend the first exam date can use the second exam date as a retake option. Students who only attend the second exam date are not entitled to another appointment in the same semester. This means that registration for the second exam date (second examination period) is possible if there was no registration for the first exam date.
On the following pages you will find more information about the performance:
Withdrawal from study and examination results (Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen)
In the case of exams without a deadline, withdrawal is possible at any time according to the examination regulations. In unisono the withdrawal currently only works during the current examination period. If you are unable to withdraw independently, please contact the Examination Office or the phil: unisono team.
If a deadline has been set for the exam, you can withdraw independently via unisono up to seven days before this deadline. In order to withdraw from scheduled examinations outside the specified period, please use the following form and hand it in to the Examination Office with the necessary evidence (in the case of illness, e.g. a medical certificate) immediately after the reason for the withdrawal has occurred:
Repeating of examinations
"Studienleistungen" (non-graded exams) can be repeated without restriction; "Prüfungsleistungen (graded exams) can be repeated twice within a module.
If a "Prüfungsleistung" is attempted at the last possible retake, the registration of this exam takes place exclusively via the Examination Office.
Passed exams cannot be retaken.
Request for handing over examination results
The exams are kept by the respective lecturers and can be viewed there. Lecturers are obliged to archive examination results such as term papers for at least 3 years. If you would like to have your term paper handed over, please contact the lecturers.
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