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 Since  10/2019
Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Siegen


PhD student at the University of Siegen, in Sociology. Working title of dissertation: citizenship by naturalization? Citizens of African descent in Germany. Scholarship from the Hans Böckler Foundation since October 2012.
02/2011-01/2012Research Assistant, University of Siegen.
10/2008-12/2010Master's degree in Comparative Social Sciences, University of Siegen. Scholarship from the Hans Böckler Foundation.

Bachelor’s Studies in Social Sciences. National University of Rwanda, Butare (Rwanda).

Lectures and university courses

  • Transcontinental mobility between Europe and Africa in times of globalization. Focus on Work and knowledge transfer (winter term 2021/2022).
  • Citizenship and naturalization of migrants between inclusion and exclusion (summer term 2021 ).
  • Migration between Europe and Africa in times of globalization. Transcontinental belonging and Practices (winter term 2020/2021).
  • Citizenship and naturalization of migrants between inclusion und exclusion (summer term 2020).
  • Global citizens between globalisation and modern nation-states (summer term 2019).
  • Refugee migration between globalisation and modern nation-states (winter term 2018/2019).
  • The UN-Agenda 2030 for sustainable development (SDG) und the Marshall-Plan for Africa (summer term 2017).

International Workshops and Scientific Conferences

  • Ndahayo, Emmanuel (2024). The Re-establishment Of Refugees’ Civil Status and Its Impact On Their Family Lives. A Comparative Study Of Germany and France. Vortrag auf der 30. Conference of Europeanists. Lyon, 04.07.2024.
  • Ndahayo, Emmanuel (2023). Doing Family Across Borders: The Impact of Long-Lasting Separation of Members of Refugee Families Between Europe and Africa. Vortrag auf der 29. Conference of Europeanists. Reykjavik, 27.06.2023
  • Emmanuel (2022). Transborder Mobility and Transnational Citizenship: The Case of African Migrants in Germany. 28th Conference of Europeanists. Lissabon, 29 June 2022.
  • Ndahayo, Emmanuel / Schittenhelm, Karin (2021). Asylum regimes in Germany and France: Impacts on transnational families of asylum seekers. 27th conference of Europeanists, 22 June 2021
  • Ndahayo, Emmanuel (2020): Aus Afrika nach Europa. Der Einfluss sozialer Zugehörigkeiten im globalen Kontext. Vortrag im Rahmen des DGS-Kongresses 2020. Ad-Hoc-Gruppe "Herkunft, Mobilität und Zugehörigkeit: Zum Spannungsverhältnis von kultureller und sozialer Differenzierung im Kontext weltgesellschaftlicher Um/Ordnung“
  • Naturalization as a Bridge to Citizenship: Motivations and Perceptions of German Citizens with African Descent Relating to Citizenship. Vortrag am 9th Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference. University of Vancouver/Kanada.  11-13 June 2014.
  • Internationale Solidarität reloaded - Gewerkschaften und andere soziale Bewegungen zwischen Chancen und Herausforderung der Globalisierung. Eine von der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung in Kooperation mit der Göttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften organisierte wissenschaftliche Tagung. Göttingen  2 - 4 April 2014.
  • „Subjekte in Bewegung, Organisationen in Bewegung? Gewerkschaften und Migration“. Eine von der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung in Kooperation mit der Göttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften organisierte wissenschaftliche Tagung. Tagungszentrum an der Sternwarte Universität Göttingen. Göttingen  23.-26.04.2013.
  • Challenging and Opportunities of the African Diaspora Youth Civil Society of Switzerland. Seminar organisiert von REFORMAF (Network für Forschung und Bildung über afrikanischen Migrationen) und  ADYNE (African Diaspora Youth Network Europe) and IofC (Initiatives of Change). Villa Maria, Caux (VD) Schweiz, 16 - 18 March 2012. 
  • „Biographical narrative  interviews. Case reconstruction“. Workshop at the University of Siegen, 7 - 8 April 2011.  
  • International Summer School / M.A.- & Ph.D. – Forum mit dem Thema: “Religious Pluralization and Migration”, Ruhruniversität Bochum, 26. - 29.07.2010.


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