Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen
Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen
Tel.: +49 271/740-3002
Postanschrift/Postal address
Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen
57068 Siegen
Portuguese courses
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Courses offered
Winter semester |
Portuguese - Target Level
A1.1 (3 ECTS)
Summer semester |
Portuguese - Target Level A1.2
(3 ECTS)
Impressions of Portugal & Brazil |
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Portuguese"Journey to Portugal'' is the name of a novel by the Portuguese winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, José Saramago. We will make a journey through Portuguese words, sentences, grammar, attitude to life and joie de vivre together. Whoever wants to learn more about this language, is not just limited to a small country in the southwest of Europe; Portuguese is spoken on four continents (Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Equaterial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Sao Tomé and Príncipe, Macau and East Timor) by about 240 million people who grow up with this melody. Are you in the mood for a journey? Então vamos fazer esta viagem juntos! "Leave your flowers to someone who knows
how to handle them and go".
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Marcela Rossi Monteiro
Placement test: If you have not taken an Portoguese course at the Language Center in the past two semesters, register for an Portoguese course during the enrollment periods via unisono ("desired course", your personal assessment) and you will then receive further information by mail regarding a possible language level test. If you have a valid proof/certificate of your knowledge, a placement test is not required.
Language Learning
Portugues do Brasil
Escola virtual FSI-language-courses COERLL utexas BBC talk portuguese Portugues online Portugues web Easy portuguese Redu |
Idioma brasil
Online-Zeitschriften, Podcasts,
Todo mundo pod Portugues embadajoz Livros e audiolivros gratuitos/ Noticias universia |
Online-Wörterbücher | DICIO
Michaelis Priberam Sinonimos Lexico |
It's cool idiomas
Portugues em brasil Escola virtual Auding |
Verbos Portugueses: Ajuda a você
treinar as conjugações dos principais verbos da
língua portuguesa.
Quiz de Português: Aplicativo de perguntas e respostas que abrangem as divisões da gramática e as regras gerais de construção textual, como os métodos de coerência e coesão. Acentuando: Ensina o usuário quando deve utilizar os três tipos de acento da nossa língua portuguesa: agudo, circunflexo e grave (crase). Dicio: Um dicionário online completo de português do Brasil. |