Zentrale Studienberatung
im F-S Gebäude
Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen
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studentischen Hotline:
0271 740-2712
Mo - Do: 9 - 16 Uhr
Fr: 9 - 12 Uhr
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0271 740-2712
International Students
You find information about the admission procedure here:
Social Sciences
Short information
admission |
study time |
semester |
semester |
no | 6 semester/
12 semester (part time) |
✔ |
Admission procedure
Unstricted admission, no application required
Here is how to enroll
Bachelor of Arts
More information
Proficiency in foreign languages
Language of instruction
German, English
Dates and deadlines
The degree program
In the first year of study, a basic education in the social sciences in the two disciplines of political science and sociology is provided, which then enables students to choose between a specialization in political science or in sociology. High value is placed on methodological training through the integration of current research in teaching and dedicated social-science research (e.g. in the context of seminars). The topics and fields of research are often connected to other European and non-European countries, so that the diverse cooperation and contacts can be used for a stay abroad.
In the course of their studies, students will acquire methodological skills in dealing with texts, media and instruments of social-science research. Furthermore, social skills in interacting with other people, such as empathy, freedom from prejudice, teamwork skills, communication, criticism and conflict resolution skills, as well as personal skills such as powers of observation, judgment, self-management, analytical and logical thinking are trained.
Can be studied as...
- 1-subject degree program (Concept A)
- An advanced major subject (Concept B)
- A major subject (concept C and D)
- A minor subject (concept B and D)
Structure of the degree program
In undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, students can combine various major and minor subjects in a variety of ways.
Important information
Knowledge of English and mathematics is recommended.
Professional prospects
Social scientists can use their knowledge of social and political phenomena as well as their skills in data collection and evaluation in many professions. For example, they can work for governmental and non-governmental organizations, political parties and associations, foundations or institutions in the social services sector or in media companies and press and public relations agencies.
Organization of the degree program
We recommend that, as a minimum, you take a look at the degree plan of your degree program before the start of the lecture period so that you know which modules are intended for the start of your studies.