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Nano-Seminar on May 22 at 5 PM in Room H-B 6414. Charles Ogolla speaks about "4D-STEM and EELS for structure-functionality investigation of complex carbon-based sensor architectures"

English Master Programs Flyer

On August 8 students of nanoscience and nanotechnology participated in an excursion to AIXTRON SE in Herzogenrath. There they could witness how the principles of micro-, nanotechnology and semiconductor physics are put into practice.
A visit to the Aachener Dom and a delicious meal made this excursion a great success. Thanks to Dr Bablich and to Prof Heuken for this memorable and great opportunity!

Nano-Seminar on July 12 at 5 PM in Room H-C 3309. Zidu Li speaks about "Electrochemical metallization memristive devices in emerging technologies"

The annual evaluation meeting of the master degree program Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is scheduled for May 31 at 4 PM in room H-B 6414 or via Telco. Here is the Webex link



Our lectures are oganized into compulsory and elective "modules".
Here please find a link to the Modules Descriptions

Overview of the elective courses in winter semester 2023/24.

The registration to our lectures and to the respective examinations is digital and it is based on the platform Unisono.
Here please find a link to the Course Catalog in Unisono

The House of Young Talents (HYT) Programme is available to all students and offers many opportunities for developing soft skills.


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Nano-Seminar on May 22 at 5 PM in Room H-B 6414. Charles Ogolla speaks about "4D-STEM and EELS for structure-functionality investigation of complex carbon-based sensor architectures"

English Master Programs Flyer

On August 8 students of nanoscience and nanotechnology participated in an excursion to AIXTRON SE in Herzogenrath. There they could witness how the principles of micro-, nanotechnology and semiconductor physics are put into practice.
A visit to the Aachener Dom and a delicious meal made this excursion a great success. Thanks to Dr Bablich and to Prof Heuken for this memorable and great opportunity!

Nano-Seminar on July 12 at 5 PM in Room H-C 3309. Zidu Li speaks about "Electrochemical metallization memristive devices in emerging technologies"

The annual evaluation meeting of the master degree program Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is scheduled for May 31 at 4 PM in room H-B 6414 or via Telco. Here is the Webex link