Susanne Engelmann
Walk-In Office Hours:
Tue & Wed 9 - 11
Contact by email
F-S 408 (Sandstr. 16-18)
Summer Semester 2025:
Information will follow soon
Global Exchange
You want to see the world? This is where you start! Apply for Global Exchange and study one semester or an academic year at one of our partner universities outside Europe! Credits and grades you complete abroad are recognized towards your degree after your return.
The Global Exchange includes a tuition waiver at the partner university abroad. Participants of the Global Exchange Program are eligible for PROMOS scholarships.
Use our Info Portal to find partner unis and exchange spots for your sugject and study level.
If you want to learn more about our exchange options, check the testimonials of our Global Exchang participants!

Online application are submitted via the MoveON Outgoing Portal of the University of Siegen. Calls for applications are published each semester for exchanges in the following year:
• winter and/or summer 2025/26:
15.10. - 30.11.2024
• summer 2026:
15.04. - 31.05.2025
Online Application Form
Create an account for our MoveON Outgoing-Portal, fill in the online form GLOBAL | Global Exchange Step 1 and upload your supporting documents:
• Enrolment Certificate (Studienbescheinigung)
• List of Achievements (Leistungsübersicht)
• CV in English
• Proof of language proficiency
Language Test Requirements
Language Proficiency ES/PT
You may include up to three stay wishes. For each stay wish you will be asked to a) give reasons for your choice of partner university and b) describe your planned studies abroad.
Use our Info-Portal to search for exchange options for your field of study and study level. Check the individual exchange options and partner institutions. Pay attention to differing academic calenders, course offers and language requirements abroad! For some partner universities additional application requirements may apply.
• October 15 to November 30, 2024
studies in winter and/or summer 2025/26
• April 15 to Mai 31, 2025
studies in summer semester 2026
Your academic achievements are weighted at 55%, the purpose of the stay at 30% and your knowledge of the language of instruction and, if applicable, the national language, at 15%.
The Global Exchange Procedure includes two rounds of applications. First, you apply at the University of Siegen for an exchange spot. If your application is successful, you are nominated by the International Office and apply at the partner university abroad.
Participants of the Global Exchange Program are eligible for PROMOS scholarships. These partial scholarships usually include a monthly grant and a travel grant. Grant rates vary by country. Number of scholarships and grant combination are subject to sufficient funds.
If partial scholarships cannot be provided for all Global Exchange participants, partial scholarships will be awarded in accordance with the applicant ranking.
Global Exchange Program Documents
A requirement for your partcipation in the Global Exchange Program and, if applicable, the payment of your PROMOS scholarship, is the timely submission of important program documents. Below you find more information about the individual documents and how to submit them.
Before your departure make sure to check our information on travel preparation and travel safety .
Before Exchange Studies
4 to 6 weeks before the start of your Global Exchange you have to submit the following program documents by completing the form via our MoveON Outgoing-Portal:
"GLOBAL | Global Exchange: Step 2 Program Documents Before Stay"
❶ Acceptance Letter
Once you have accepted your exchange spot, you apply at the partner university abroad. If your application is successful, you receive an Acceptance Letter by e-mail from the partner university. The document includes the planned start and end date of your stay. If you receive a PROMOS scholarship we use this duration of study to calculate your grant.
❷ Enrolment Certificate
Only fully enrolled students are eligible to participate in the Global Exchange Program and PROMS Scholarship Program. The Enrolment Certificate confirms your current student status.
❸ Study Agreement
The Study Agreement includes a list of courses and credits you plan to complete abroad (at least 15 ECTS per semester!) and a corresponding list of module elements of your study program in Siegen for future recognition. The document must be signed by you, your academic advisor at the University of Siegen and the contact person at the partner university.
The Study Agreement should be compiled shortly after the application at the partner university as approval by the respective contact person in Siegen is required. Once you have been accepted by the partner university, you send the study agreement to the International Office of the partner university abroad.
• Study Agreement Template
• Study Agreement Guidelines
• Requirements for Arts and Humanities (Faculty I)
Contact Persons:
Teacher training: Subject advisory service ZLB
Faculty I: Contact persons for crediting
Faculty II: Student Advisory Service
Faculty III: Staff & Academic Advisors
Faculty IV: Mechanical Engineering; Electrical Engineering - Computer Science; International Graduate Studies
Faculty V: Deanery
Changes to a proposed Study Agreement must be documented and approved by all parties within four weeks of the start of your studies abroad. The completely signed document must be submitted by email.
Scholarship Payment
PROMOS scholarship holders receive the schoalrship agreement, once all required program documents have been submitted via the MoveON Outgoing-Portal. Sign the hard copy by hand and submit the document by post or in person. Once the Scholarship Agreement has been duly signed, you receive your first instalments.
After Exchange Studies
Within two months after the end of your student exchange you submit the following program documents via our MoveON Outgoing-Portal :
❶ Confirmation of Stay
The Confirmation of Stay is filled in and signed by our partner university. The document includes the actual start and end date of your exchange studies.
Students participating in a student exchange in winter semester must submit the Confirmation of Stay by E-Mail by October 31!
❷ Transcript of Records
After your exchange studies you receive a Transcript of Records from the partner university. The document includes all credits and grades completed abroad (at least 15 ECTS per semester!).
❸ Experience Report
An experience report should be one to two pages long and include information on the preparation of your stay as well as campus life and studies at the partner university. The signed Experience Report Cover Sheet must be added to the report.
• Experience Report Guidelines