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Research Interests

International Comparison of Welfare States, International Comparison of Healthcare Systems, So-ciology of Health, Institutional Theory, Political Sociology

Ongoing projects

2015-2017Health Inequalities in European Welfare States (HiNews), funded by DFG-Norface
Healthcare-Seeking by Older People in Germany. The social and institutional context of decision-making in the case of sickness, funded by DFG
2010-2013 Welfare State Support from Below: Linking Individual Attitudes and Organized Interests in Europe, as part of the SFB 884 ‘The Political Economy of Reform’ funded by DFG (with B. Ebbinghaus)


Finished projects

2009-2013EU COST Action: Enhancing the role of medicine in the management of Euro-pean health systems: Implications for control, innovation and user voice (co-investigator; coordinated at University of Leeds)
Director of the project: Attitudes towards Welfare State Institutions. New perspectives for the comparative welfare state analysis, funded by DFG
Director of the project (with B. Ebbinghaus): Mindestsicherung in Europa. Indikatoren der Armutspolitik (Minimum income schemes in Europe), funded by Hans-Böckler-Foundation
2005-2010Network of Excellence “Economic Change, Quality of Life & Social Cohesion” (EQUALSOC), fundet by EU 6th Framework Programme


The Comparative Political Economy of Health Inequities, 1960-2005 (with J. Beckfield/principal investigator, N. Krieger, S. Olafsdottir), RWJ Seed Grant

2006 VFA-Report Lebensqualität in Deutschland (Quality of Life in Germany). Funded by German Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (VFA)
2003-2005 SFB-Project 597: Transformations of the State, University of Bremen (H. Rothgang)
1997-2000 Training and Mobility Programme (TMR) for Young Researchers on Family and Welfare State in Europe
1998/99 Welfare and Solidarity in Post-Modern Europe: New Models for Provision of Social Welfare and Social Citizenship in Europe (P. Abrahamson/Roskilde University)
1997 Consultant for the WHO-Publication: A. Brandrup-Lukanow: “Family Planning and Reproductive Health in CCEE/NIS”. WHO/EURO, Copenhagen 1997
Consultant for the WHO-Publication: A. Brandrup-Lukanow: “Child Health in the European Region”. WHO/EURO, Copenhagen 1997
1996 Research Fellow in the project: Dauer von Strafverfahren, Institut für Kriminologie, University of Heidelberg



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