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University of Siegen / B.A. and M.A. Sociology and B.A. Social Work

ST 2015

Social Inequality
Welfare States in international Comparison
The German Healthcare System
The German Healthcare System
Executive Functions, Learning and Inequality

WT 2014 Welfare States in international Comparison
Healthcare and Health Inequalities
The German Healthcare System
The German Healthcare System
ST 2014
Demographic change
Healthcare and Health Inequalities
The German Healthcare System
Post-graduate research seminar
Lecture series „sociological theories“ with lectures on rational choice and insitutional theory
WT 2013
ST 2013 Demographic change
Healthcare and Health Inequalities
The German Healthcare System
Post-graduate research seminar
Lecture series „sociological theories“ with lectures on rational choice and insitutional theory
WT 2012

Demographic change
Healthcare and Health Inequalities
The German Healthcare System
The German Healthcare System
Post-graduate research seminar
Lecture series „social work“ with lectures on education and health inequalities

ST 2012
Demographic change
Healthcare and Health Inequalities
The German Healthcare System
Post-graduate research seminar
Lecture series „sociological theories“ with lectures on rational choice and insitutional theory
WT 2011
Demographic change
Healthcare and Health Inequalities
The German Healthcare System
The German Healthcare System
Post-graduate research seminar
Lecture series „social work“ with lectures on education and health inequalities
ST 2011
Healthcare and Health Inequalities
The German Healthcare System
The German Healthcare System
Post-graduate research seminar
WT 2010 The German Healthcare System
The German Healthcare System
Mortality and Morbidity
Current Social Policy Reforms
Post-graduate research seminar
ST 2010
Healthcare and Health Inequalities
Healthcare and Health Inequalities
Welfare States in International Comparison
Post-graduate research seminar
WT 2009
The German Healthcare System
Healthcare Systems in Comparison, an Introduction
Healthcare Systems in Comparison: Ideas, Interests and Instutions
Healthcare Systems, Access to Healthcare, and Health Inequality

Master Online Advanced Oncology (University of Ulm)

Since 2013
International Health Policy


COST Action PhD Training School (University of Leeds)

WT 2010
Framework for Comparing and Researching Health Policy Regimes, Enhancing the Role of Medicine
in the Management of European Health Systems, Lyon, November 22, 2010

Medical University Graz, Postgraduate Public Health Programme

ST 2010
International Health Policies

University of Otago, Dunedin School of Medicine

ST 2011
The German Healthcare System
ST 2010
The German Healthcare System

Science Po / Paris, Master of Public Affairs

ST 2008
The Comparative Analysis of Health Care Systems
ST 2007
Comparing Health Care Systems Organisation, Efficiency and Reforms

University of Mannheim

ST 2008
Health Care Systems in Comparison
Comparative Welfare State Analysis (Graduate School of Economic and Social Science)
MZES-Graduate colloquium
WT 2007
Attitudes towards Welfare State Institutions
MZES-Graduate colloquium
ST 2007 The Third Sector: Welfare Associatons in International Comparison
MZES-Graduate colloquium
WT 2006
Health Care Systems in Comparison
MZES-Graduate colloquium
ST 2006
 Comparative Analysis of Welfare State Institution

University of Bremen

WT 2004
Institutional Theory and Welfare State Comparison
ST 2004
Voting Systems and Voring Behaviour in International Comparison

University of Heidelberg

WT 2002
Sociology of the Political System
Assistent to J. Kohl’s lecture on Social Structure
ST 2002
The Economic and Social Order of Germany
WT 2001
Health Care Systems in Comparison
Assistent to J. Kohl’s lecture on Social Structure
ST 2001
Sociology of the Political System
WT 2000 The Economic and Social Order of Germany


University of Siegen

since 2009 Supervision of B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. theses in sociology, medical sociology, and in social work
  Course exams in sociology  (B.A. and M.A. in sociology and in social work)

University of Mannheim

since 2007
Supervision of diploma theses in sociology
since 2005
Course exams in sociology (B.A. Soz., M.A. Soz., Dipl. SoWi)
  Final and intermediate exams in sociology (B.A. Soz., M.A. Soz., Dipl. SoWi)

University of Bremen

Course exams in sociology (B.A. Soz., M.A. Soz., Dipl. Soz.)
  Intermediate exams in sociology (B.A. Soz., M.A. Soz., Dipl. Soz.)

University of Heidelberg

Course exams, basic studies in sociology (M.A. und Dipl.)
  Assistance of intermediate exams in sociology (M.A.)

Presentations (selection)


Cost Barriers, Access to Medical Care, and Public Support in Healthcare Systems (keynote), Effective and Popular? The Complementarities and Contradictions of Egalitarian Social Policy, WZB Berlin, March 18-19

Recent Reforms in the German Social Health Insurance System (keynote), 20th Anniversary of Taiwan’s NHI, Taipei, March 16-17 

Financial Sustainability, 20th Anniversary of Taiwan’s NHI, Taipei, March 16-17


Comparative Health Policy and Healthy Ageing (keynote), Uppsala Health Summit, June 3-4

The Social and Institutional Context of Decision-Making in the Case of Sickness, XVIII World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, July 13-19

Health policy influences on healthcare provision and access to medical care (key-note), Kongress DGMS, Greifswald, September 17-20

Krise der Gesundheit – Krise des Gesundheitssystems (with P. Kriwy), DGS-Sektion Gesundheits- und Medizinsoziologie, Trier, October 6-10

Comparative Health Systems and Outcomes (keynote), 25th MZES Anniversary Conference, Mannheim, November 14-15


Health policy, healthcare, and healthcare utilization in Germany, ICPP Conference Grenoble, June 26-29

Healthcare– Seeking by Older People in Germany – The social and institutional context of decision– making in the case of sickness/HEALSEE (with M. Mischke, N. Reibling). Bias in Health Data,  Autumn Conference of the Section Sociology of Med-icine and Health of the German Sociological Association, Florence, October 3-4


Changing Healthcare System Types, 19th International Conference of Europeanists “A Europe of Diversities”, Panel “European Health Care Systems “, Boston, Massachusetts, 22.-24. März

Welfare State Support from Below: developing a concept for linking individual attitudes and organized interests in Europe (mit B. Ebbinghaus, J. Klitzke, E. Naumann), 19th International Conference of Europeanists “A Europe of Diversities”, Panel “Public opinion on social policy in Europe “ Boston, Massachusetts, 22.-24. März


Conceptual Frameworks for Comparing Healthcare Politics and Policy (with Ted Marmor), Amsterdam workshop “Healthcare systems: change and outcomes. Ideas, institutions, actors, and reform”, Center for Global Health & Inequality, Amsterdam, November 11-12

Conceptual Frameworks for Comparing Healthcare Politics and Policy (with Ted Marmor), The European Health Policy Group Meeting, LSE/London, September 22-23

Changing Types of Healthcare Systems. RC 19/ISA annual conference: Production, Reproduction, and Protection in the Welfare State, Seoul, August 25-27


The Role of Experts in the German Healthcare System, Conference on the Politics of Ideas and the Politics of Representation: The Case of Health Policy, Rothermere American Institute, Oxford University, November 11-12

Welfare States and Public Opinion in 15 European Countries, ESPAnet Conference 2010, Budapest, September 2-4

Framework for Comparing and Researching Health Policy Regimes, COST ACTION TRAINING SCHOOL, Enhancing the Role of Medicine in the Management of Euro-pean Health Systems, Lyon, November 22

Ideas and Institutions in Healthcare (with N. Reibling), EQUALSOC/TRALEG-Workshop: Institutional Change in Social Policy, MZES, November 25-27


Healthcare Systems and Healthcare Utilization. Research Seminar on Comparative Social Research, Cologne Graduate School SOCLIFE, November 18   

Demographischer Wandel und Gesundheitssysteme im internationalen Vergleich. Sommerschule 2009, Marsilius Kolleg Heidelberg, Gesund altern - individuelle und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen, Heidelberg, September 2

Ideas and Institutions in the Field of Health Care. RC 19/ISA annual conference: So-cial Policies: Local Experiments, Travelling Ideas, Montreal, August 20-22

Regulating Access to Health Care Providers & Inequalities of Utilization in European Countries. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, June 28-30

Confidence to Receive Medical Care in Seven Countries. Harkness Program of Health Policy & Practice, Final Conference, New York, June 11-12

Ideas and Institutions in the Field of Health Care. Center for European Studies, Har-vard University, April 1

Challenges and Reform Options in Health Care Systems: What Can America Learn from European Countries? University of Wisconsin, Madison, January 28


Who has Access to Health Care in Europe? Invited by The Health of Nations Study Group, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, November 21

A Typology of Healthcare Systems. Science Po, Paris, March 13

Regulating Patients’ Access and the Utilization of Healthcare Services in European countries (with N. Reibling), The European Health Policy Group Sixteenth Meeting, Access, Choice and Equity, ESRI/Dublin, April 17-18


Declining Trust in European Health Care Systems, Workshop: Strategic Courses of Action in Health Insurance Systems, invited by the Association of Applied Insurance Research, Leipzig, December 7

Mapping European Health Care Systems, ESPAnet Conference 2007 “Social Policy in Europe: Changing Paradigms in an enlarging Europe?”, September 20-22

Patterns of Trust in Health Care Institutions (with J. Kohl), RC 19 annual conference: Social Policy in a globalizing world: developing a north-south dialogue, Florence, September 6-8

Attitudes towards Welfare State Institutions: Health Care Systems and Minimum In-come Schemes in Comparison (with M. Pfeifer and M. Mischke), Fourteenth Interna-tional Research Seminar on Issues in Social Security (FISS), Sigtuna, Sweden, June 15-17

Translating Monetary Inputs into Health care Services - The Influence of Different Modes of Public Policy in a Comparative Perspective. Conference organised by Theodore R. Marmor, Yale University, April 26-29

Nimmt die Akzeptanz europäischer Gesundheitssysteme ab? MZES-Workshop: Me-tamorphosen des Wohlfahrtsstaates, MZES, March 1-2


Health Care Systems in Europe – Challenges and Reform Options. Guest Speaker, invited by the Association of German Dental Manufacturers (VDDI), Cologne, De-cember 12

Nimmt das Vertrauen in Gesundheitssysteme ab? 33. Kongress der Deut-schen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Ad-Hoc-Gruppe: New Governance, Institu-tionenwandel und Vertrauen im Gesundheitssystem, Kassel, October 9-13

Bedingungen für einen Institutionenwandel – Das Beispiel des Gesundheitssystems. 33. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Ad-Hoc-Gruppe: Zur Natur der Behinderung. Klassifikationen der Gesundheit, Behinderung und Funktionsfä-higkeit, Kassel, October 9-13

Changing Health Care Systems in a Changing World (Chair, with J. Kohl), XVI World Congress of Sociology/RC 19. Durban, South Africa, July 23-29

Attitudes towards Welfare State Institutions, XVI World Congress of Sociology/RC 19, Durban, South Africa, July 23-29


Social Inequality and Health. Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposia. Al-exander von Humboldt-Stiftung; Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science. Shonan Village Center/Tokio, November 2-11

Trust in Just Health Care Systems? GSSS Conference on Social Justice, Bremen, March 10-12

What to Learn from the Experiences of other Countries’ Health Care Systems, Fraunhofer Institute Karlsruhe, March 3


Regulation, financing and service provision in OECD health care systems (with J. Kohl). Annual Conference of Research Committee 19 of the International Sociological Association “Welfare state restructuring: processes and social outcoes”. Paris, Fance, September 2-4

Convergence or Divergence in OECD Health Care Systems. Eleventh International Research Seminar on “Issues in Social Security” – “International cooperation in social security: How to cope with globalisation”. The Foundation for International Studies of Social Security (FISS). Sigtuna, Sweden, June 19-21

Ansätze des Gesundheitssystemvergleichs. Fakultät für Gesundheitswissen-schaften der Universität Bielefeld. Bielefeld, July 8


Satisfaction with Health Care Systems (with J. Kohl). Fifth Conference of the Inter-national Society for Quality-of-Life Studies “Challenges for Quality of Life in Con-temporary Societies”, Frankfurt a. M., July 20-24


Co-operation and competition in preventive health care for children. Conference on The Family and the Welfare State in the New Century. National Centre for Social Research, Athens, May 25-26


Family Change and the Welfare of Children in Comparative Perspective. ECSR Graduate School, MZES, Mannheim, September 30 - October 6

Health Services for Children in Denmark, Germany, Austria and Great Britain. ECSR Workshop, MZES, Mannheim, October 7-8

Family Models in Germany. TMR-Workshop: Family Policy and Family Income, Warsaw, June 24-28

Reconciliation of Family and Work in Germany. Conference Welfare and Solidarity in Post-industrial Europe, York, May 7-10


Health Services for Families. An Institutional Analysis. TMR Work¬shop: The Institutionalisation of Family Policy, Barcelona, February 20-22

Health Services for Families in Denmark, Germany, Austria and Great Britain. Institutskolloquiums am MZES, Mannheim, January 12


Health Services for Families in Denmark, Germany, Austria and Great Britain. 10th European School on Historical and Comparative Sociologi¬cal Re¬search on Social Policy, Barcelona, December 12-14
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