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Hast du Ideen oder Kritik zu deinem Studium? Wir wollen die Studienbedingungen für alle verbessern. Schick deine Vorschläge an das Qualitätszentrum Siegen.


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Studies at University of Siegen


From accounting to visual computing, University of Siegen offers a broad choice of subjects. University of Siegen is committed to interdisciplinary teaching and research as well as paying special attention to students. Being a modern university, it offers a comprehensive academic programme which pays tribute to the heritage of its home region.

International Programs

These courses are aimed at German and foreign students who are seeking to obtain a degree in an international study program in Germany.

Application for Admission

If you graduated from a school abroad and wish to apply for a degree- or doctorate program at the University of Siegen, you will find information on application and enrollment here.

Learning German in Siegen

Proficiency in German is required for admission to the program. However, students may acquire the required proficiency at the University of Siegen in specific “German as a Foreign Language” classes. Learn more about the Application Procedure.

Doctoral programs for foreign students

Scientists have the opportunity to do their doctorate at a graduate school or an institute of the University of Siegen. For guest scientists, the university offers interesting cooperation in research and science.

Exchange Students

You want to change from a partner university abroad to Siegen, or start a semester abroad? Here you can obtain information (for example concerning Erasmus +). You can also find information here, if you wish to study abroad in Siegen.

Digitale Lehre

Digital Teaching

The portal Digital Teaching is a joint effort of ZFH, ZIMT and UB. Here you can find all digital teaching offers of the University of Siegen.


International students who are not seeking a degree and come from institutions that have no formal exchange agreement with the University of Siegen are considered “freemovers”. You may apply on an individual basis for one or two semesters, but your are not allowed to pursue a degree.

Useful tipps

Housing, entry, stay, health insurance or finance: Here you will find important information on the preparation and start of your studies at the University of Siegen.

City of Siegen

The city and region offer many sports and leisure activities. Check out some of our tips.

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Kritik erwünscht!

Hast du Ideen oder Kritik zu deinem Studium? Wir wollen die Studienbedingungen für alle verbessern. Schick deine Vorschläge an das Qualitätszentrum Siegen.


Du kannst auch selbst aktiv werden und Projekte verwirklichen, die Studium und Lehre verbessern. Ansprechpartner und eine Übersicht der laufenden Projekte findest du hier »