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Courses for Exchange Students

Recommended Courses for Exchange Students for the upcoming Summer Term 2024

In order to support your course search for the upcoming winter term we have compiled a selection of courses which are especially suitable for exchange students. They include undergraduate/B.A. level courses selected from various fields, and are available in English, Spanish, French and German. The selection is not exhaustive; many courses from the regular course catalogue (via unisono) may also be available to you.

Recommended courses for the upcoming summer semester 2024

Furthermore you can find a list with courses offered in English, French and Spanish on M.A. Level in summer semester 2024 here:
List of master courses in English, French and Spanish


Recommended Courses for Exchange Students for the upcoming Winter Term 2023/24

In order to support your course search for the upcoming winter term we have compiled a selection of courses which are especially suitable for exchange students. They include undergraduate/B.A. level courses selected from various fields, and are available in English, Spanish, French and German. The selection is not exhaustive; many courses from the regular course catalogue (via unisono) may also be available to you.

Recommended courses for the upcoming winter semester 2023/24 (Upload July 2023)

Furthermore you can find a list with courses offered in English, French and Spanish on M.A. Level in winter semester 2023/24 here:
List of master courses in English, French and Spanish (Upload July 2023)

General Overview of Courses offered in English, French and Spanish

These documents offer an overview of the general availability of non-German-language courses on offer, ordered by module and semester.

List of Courses/Modules offered in English, French and Spanish

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