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Information for exchange students


Before your arrival in Siegen

Available courses

You are interested in studying in Siegen and are looking for our course catalogue?

  • You can find the entire catalogue of currently available courses in the campus management system unisono.
  • Information on which courses are planned to be on offer for each course of studies in each semester can be found in the module handbooks (Modulhandbücher) which you can find in the document database phil: Docs.
  • An overview of courses offered for exchange students and in English, French and Spanish can be found here.
  • An overview of courses offered by the Language Center of the University of Siegen can be found here.

The application

Students interested in an exchange semester in Siegen must register or apply via the International Student Affairs.

You will find the relevant information under the following links:

The Learning Agreement

  • Using courses offered in German Language:
    • Please follow our guidelines and this video to create a learning agreement.
    • Information on which courses are planned to be on offer for each course of studies in each semester can be found in the module handbooks (Modulhandbücher) which you can find in the document database phil: Docs.
  • Using courses offered in English, Spanish and French:
    • Please follow our guidelines to create a learning agreement and watch this video.
    • An overview of courses offered in English, French and Spanish can be found here.

If you have further questions, please contact the coordinator for international affairs, Luz Pacas Castro.

Start of studies

Finding courses and registering for them

Please note that it is recommended to enroll for the lectures chosen within your learning agreement. Further guidelines can be found here:

Everything clear? Then try it yourself and register in unisono.

The instructions are not clear? Contact me: internationales@phil.uni-siegen.de

Please consult your departmental coordinator in Siegen for questions about the courses offered. If you do not know the coordinator, please contact the phil: International Affairs.
In case enrollment fails, you can also contact the lecturer by Email or register during the first session.

Studying in Siegen and obtaining credit (ECTS)

Within the following video I am going to explain to you all the relevant information for your studies at our faculty. I am going to explain, how to register for credits and exams and how to request your final transcript of records.

Questions? Contact me at internationales@phil.uni-siegen.de

Mentoring and further support from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

If you would like to establish contact with Students from the Faculty we invite you to register for our Max-Mentoring Program. We offer:

  • Exchange on academic issues
  • Language Tandem
  • Guidance at the campus
  • Support for finding literature

Interested? Register here

Contact for inquiries:

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