Research Interests
- modern political theory, particularly International Political Theory and theories of democracy
- political independence, particularly debates about Scottish independence and independence in Europe
- governance beyond the nation state, transnational democracy, legitimacy beyond the state
- debates on citizenship and democratic membership (e.g. transnational, supranational, cosmopolitan, or EU citizenship), questions of multiple democratic memberships
- democracy and territory / territorial spaces
Memberships in scientific associations, research networks and editorial teams or boards
- German Association of Political Science / Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW): Member of the section 'Political theory and the history of ideas'
- European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR): Member of the standing groups Political Theory, International Political Theory and Citizenship Studies
- Associated Fellow of the Centre on Constitutional Change in Edinburgh
- Council of European Studies
- Editorial board of, a German science blog on political theory
- Editorial board of the series 'Brennpunkt Politik' (Kohlhammer), a series of concise and accessible monographs on topical issues in political science.