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 since 10/2016

Post-Doctoral Researcher / Lecturer at the Chair of Comparative Politics and Political Theory, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Siegen

 since 12/2015

Member of the editorial team of theorieblog.de, a German-language science blog on political theory


Research and Teaching Assistant at the Chair of Political Philosophy, Theory, and the History of Political Ideas, Institute of Political Science, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.

10/2012-05/2016: PhD-project on multiple democratic memberships in transnational orders (24.05.2016: submission of the PhD-thesis, 25.11.2016: thesis defense)

07/2017: Publication of the PhD-thesis with Nomos Publishing. Title: "Komplementäre Bürgerschaften. Demokratische Selbstbestimmung in transnationalen Ordnungen" [Complementary Citizenships. Democratic Self-determination in Transnational Orders]


Further education in university didactics at Freiburg University leading to the "Baden-Württemberg-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik" [certificate of university didactics issued by the land Baden-Württemberg]


Coordinator of the Franco-German programme of studies "Angewandte Politikwissenschaft" [Applied Political Science], jointly organised by the Institute of Political Science Freiburg and the Institut d'Études Politiques Aix-en-Provence.


Tutor and Student Assistant at the Chair of Political Philosophy, Theory, and the History of Political Ideas, Institute of Political Science, Freiburg


Visiting Undergraduate at the University of Edinburgh


Studies in Political Science, English and French Language and Literature (Magister Artium)


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