Publications / Talks
- Meine, Anna, 2017: Komplementäre Bürgerschaften. Demokratische Selbstbestimmung in transnationalen Ordnungen. [Complementary Citizenships. Democratic Self-determination in Transnational Orders.] Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Meine, Anna, 2012: Legitimität weiter denken? [Legitimacy beyond the State?] Anschlussmöglichkeiten und Herausforderungen des politikwissenschaftlichen Legitimitätsbegriffs jenseits des Staates, untersucht auf der Grundlage der Arbeiten von Fritz W. Scharpf, David Held und Jürgen Habermas, Würzburg: Ergon.
Journal Articles:
- Meine, Anna, 2023: Unabhängigkeit statt Union, Unabhängigkeit in der Union? Schottlands's Zukunft zwischen UK und EU [Independence versus Union, or: Independence in the Union? Scotland's Future between UK and EU], in: Zeitschrift für Politik [Journal for Politics] 70:2, S. 175-194. doi: 10.5771/0044-3360-2023-2-177
- Meine, Anna, 2022: Free states for free citizens!? Arguments for a republicanism of plural polties, in: Journal of International Political Theory13:3, pp. 274-293. doi: 10.1177/17550882211029463 (open access, published online: 6th July 2021).
- Meine, Anna, 2021: Democracy and territory. A necessary link?, in: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24:6, pp. 797-820. doi: 10.1080/13698230.2019.1604046 (published online: 16th April 2019).
- Meine, Anna, 2016: Debating Legitimacy Transnationally, in: Global Discourse. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought 6:3, pp. 330-346, doi: 10.1080/23269995.2016.1175084 .
In addition, this article is published as:
Meine, Anna, 2018: Debating Legitimacy Trasnatnationally, in: Bronwyn Winter und Lucia Sorbera (Eds), 2018: Contending Legitimacy in World Politics. The State, Civil Society and the International Sphere in the Twenty-first Century. Abingdon: Routledge.
Edited Volumes:
- Riescher, Gisela, Beate Rosenzweig and Anna Meine (Eds.), 2020: Einführung in die Politische Theorie. Grundlagen - Methoden - Debatten [Introduction to political theory. Foundations - methods - debates]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Contributions to Edited Volumes and Working Papers:
- Meine, Anna, 2024: Demokratische Grenzen und Konstellationen pluraler Bürgerschaften. Überlegungen zum Spannungsfeld von Migration und demokratischer Ordnungsbildung. [Democratic boundaries and constellations of plural citizenships. Reflections on the relation of migration and democratic institution-building.] In: Hans Vorländer, Oliviero Angeli and Andreas Niederberger (Eds.): Migration - Herausforderungen im Spannungsfeld von Theorie und Praxis. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 79-106.
- Meine, Anna, 2023: Souveränität und Freiheit. Zu Status und Beziehungen politischer Ordnungen in der europäischen Konstellation [Sovereignty and Freedom]. In: Fernando d'Aniello and Verena Frick (Hg.): Wie viele Gesichter hat die Souveränität. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 315-338.
- Meine, Anna and Jürgen Rüland, 2022: Democratizing Global Governance: Coping with Stakeholder Plurality. In: Jürgen Rüland and Astrid Carrapatoso (Eds.): Edward Elgar Handbook on Regionalism and Global Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 68-84.
- Meine, Anna, 2022: Volkssouveränität unter ,postwestfälischen‘ Bedingungen: Demokratische Selbstbestimmung in gestuften Konstellationen pluraler Ordnungen [Popular Sovereignty under post-Westphalian conditions: Democratic Self-Determination in nested constellations of plural polities] In: Philipp Erbentraut und Oliver Eberl (Eds.): Volkssouveränität und Staatlichkeit. Intermediäre Organisationen und Räume der Selbstgesetzgebung. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 143-166.
- Meine, Anna, 2021: Beyond Westphalia: Democratic Conceptions of Sovereignty and Constellations of Plural Territories. In: Andre Santos Campos und Susana Cadilha (Eds.): Sovereignty as Value. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 127-145.
- Meine, Anna, 2020: Wozu dient politische Theorie? Kontexte, Gegenstände und Funktionen politischer Theorie [Why political theory? Contexts, topics and functions of political theory], in: Gisela Riescher, Beate Rosenzweig und Anna Meine (Eds.): Einführung in die Politische Theorie. Grundlagen - Methoden - Debatten. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, S. 27-45.
- Meine, Anna, 2020: Demokratische Selbstbestimmung jenseits des Staates? [Democratic self-determination beyond the state?], in: Gisela Riescher, Beate Rosenzweig und Anna Meine. Einführung in die Politische Theorie. Grundlagen - Methoden - Debatten. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, S. 367-384.
- Meine, Anna, 2019: Citizens and Peoples? Transnational democratisation and the question of the demoi, in: Joachim Blatter und Rainer Bauböck (Eds.): Let me vote in your country, and I’ll let you vote in mine. A proposal for transnational democracy. EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2019/25. Online:
- Meine, Anna, 2018: Komplementäre demokratische Mitgliedschaften und Entwürfe transnationaler Ordnungsbildung [Complementary democratic memberships and models of transnational institution-building], in: Winfried Thaa und Christian Volk (Eds.): Formwandel der Demokratie. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 285-305.
- Meine, Anna, 2014: Legitimität und Legalität [Legitimacy and Legality], in: Riescher, Gisela (Hg.): Spannungsfelder der Politischen Theorie. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 123-136.
- Meine, Anna, 2012: Partizipation jenseits des Staates? Eine Herausforderung für die Demokratietheorie [Participation beyond the State? A Challenge for Democratic Theory], in: Gisela Riescher und Beate Rosenzweig (Eds.): Partizipation und Staatlichkeit. Ideengeschichtliche und aktuelle Theoriediskurse. Stuttgart: Steiner, pp. 193-216.
- Meine, Anna, 2021: Secession between Liberal Nationalism and Democracy: Bossacoma Busquets, Pau (2020). Morality and Legality of Secession. A theory of National Self-Determination. Palgrave Macmillan, in: Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 10(18), pp. 285-290.
- Meine, Anna, 2018: Dorothea Gädeke: Politik der Beherrschung [Politics of Domination: A Critical Theory of External Democratisation (my translation)], in: Zeitschrift für philosophische Literatur 6 (2), pp. 1-10.
Since December 2015, I am member of the editorial team of My blog posts include, e.g.
- Bürgerschaft, Fremdheit und Territorien (Citizenship, Alienage, and Territories) (22.12.2015),
- Hilfe oder Blendwerk? Blended learning als Hilfsmittel für die Begleitung politiktheoretischer Hausarbeiten on using blended-learning designs to support students in writing term papers in political theory (17.10.2016),
- Zwischen Republikanismus und Radikaldemokratie, a review of Emanuel Richter's Demokratischer Symbolismus [Democratic Symbolism] (08.03.2017),
- Die Grenzen der Demokratie und demokratische Grenzen (The limits of democracy and democratic boundaries) (02.01.2018)
You will find all of my contributions following this link.
Furthermore, I have written one blog post (so far) as an Associated Fellow of the Centre on Constitutional Change, Edinburgh:
- Building Bridges? (on the idea of a bridge between Britain and Northern Ireland, 18.03.2020).
Presentations at Conferences and Workshops:
By invitation:
- Keynote on "Democratic boundaries? Democratic theory, citizenship and migration" at the spring conference on "Migration and Integration" of the InZentIM-network of junior researchers, University Duisburg-Essen, 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Talk on "Democratic self-determination in and beyond the state? Contributions from the perspective of complementary citizenships." at the workshop on "Problems of democracy in times of globalisation" at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Kassel, 29th/30th June 2018 [German original: Demokratische Selbstbestimmung im Staat und jenseits des Staates? Überlegungen aus Perspektive komplementärer Bürgerschaften"].
European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR)
- ECPR Joint Sessions,19.-22. April 2022 (Edinburgh / digital): Paper on "Independence. From the Scottish referendum debates 2013/2014 to (a) theorical conception(s) of in-dependence under conditions of interdependence?" in the workshop "Secessionism and secession: between theory and practice".
- ECPR General Conference, 22nd-25th August 2018 in Hamburg: Paper on "Free States for Free Citizens!? Republican Perspectives on Political Independence" as part of the Section on "European Republicanisms".
- ECPR General Conference, 07th-10th September 2016 in Prag: "Building a Democratic Multi-Level Order beyond the State. Opportunities and Challenges from the Point of View of Complementary Democratic Memberships" (Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service.)
- ECPR Joint Sessions, 24th-28th April 2016 in Pisa: "Possibilities and Boundaries of Multiple Democratic Memberships" in the workshop "Postnational Challenges and Tensions between Citizenship and Nation-State".
- ECPR General Conference, 2nd-6th September 2014 in Glasgow: "Possibilities and Boundaries of Multiple Democratic Memberships". (Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service.)
- ECPR Graduate Student Conference, 3rd-5th July 2014 in Innsbruck: "Citizenship and Territory - A Connection to Keep?".
German Political Science Association (DVPW)
- DVPW General Conference "It's our choice!", 14th-16th September 2021:
Paper and Presentation on "Independence under Conditions of Interdependence?" as part of the panel "Independence, sovereignty, self-determination: Contested concepts, uncertain futures" (organised jointly with Prof. Peter A. Kraus (Augsburg) and
Organisation of the Cross-Cutting Session on "Reframing ‘Crises’ as ‘Emergencies’: Executive Authoritarianism or Democratic Emergency Politics from below?" in cooperation with Dr. Svenja Ahlhaus (Hamburg), Dr. Andreas Busen (Hamburg), Dr. Eva-Marlene Hausteiner (Bonn / Greifswald) and Dr. Sebastian Huhnholz (Hannover). - DVPW General Conference "Frontiers of Democracy", 25th-28th September 2018, Frankfurt: Paper on "Overlapping or Nested Citizenships?" as part of the panel "New Frontiers of Electoral Democracy" (organised in cooperation with Prof. Joachim Blatter (Luzern);
"Citizenship(s) and the frontiers of democracy" as part of the panel "On the critique and justification of boundaries". - Conference of the Section 'Political Theory and the History of Ideas' of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) on "Changing forms of Democracy", 29th-31st March 2017 in Trier: "Komplementäre demokratische Mitgliedschaften. Eine Diskussion transnationaler Ordnungsentwürfe".
- DVPW-General Conference, 21st-25th September 2015 in Duisburg: Poster presentation on "Write for Relevance. Politiktheoretisches Denken und Schreiben lernen mit Hilfe eines Blended-Learning Designs" (with Dr. Friedrich Arndt and Dr. Judith Gurr).
MANCEPT-Workshops in Political Theory
- Co-Convenor of the Workshop "Independence, Self-Determination, and Secession" as part of the MANCEPT-Workshops in Political Theory, 10th-12th September 2018, Manchester (cooperation with Dr. Adam Fusco, York). Paper on "Free States for Free Citizens!? Republican Perspectives on Political Independence".
Council of European Studies
- 26th Conference of Europeanists, 20th-22nd June 2019 in Madrid: Presentation and Paper "Free States for Free Citizens!? Arguments for a Pluralist Republicanism".
Talks and presentations at other academic conferences and institutions
- Italian-German Coference on "How many faces does sovereignty have?" at Villa Vigoni, 16-19. May 2022: Paper and talk on the link between sovereignty and freedom and consequences for institution-building in Europe: "Souveränität und Freiheit. Unabhängige demokratische Ordnungen in der europäischen Konstellation".
- Institut for the research of democracy, Göttingen, 17. January 2022 (digital): Paper and talk on the notion of independence in the Scottish independence debates. Title "Un-Abhängigkeit. Von den schottischen Debatten um Sezession zu einem theoretischen Begriff politischer Unabhängigkeit".
- The Venice World. Multidisciplinary Conference on Republics and Republicanism, 11th-13th Juni 2021, Venice International University (online): Presentation on "Free Polities. Independence under Conditions of Interdependence?".
- Conference on "Borders, Fences, Firewalls. Assessing the Changing Relationship between Territory and Institutions" at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, 19th/20th October 2017: Paper on "Democracy, Citizenship, and Territory. Keeping the Link?".
- Jean Monnet Conference 'Democratization in Europe - Past & Present', 4th/5th May 2017 in Siegen: "The EU and its Citizens. On the Democratic Deficit of the European Union".
- Young Researchers' Conference of the Cluster of Excellence "Normative Orders" on "Borders of Orders", 28th/29th November 2014 in Frankfurt am Main: "Democracy, Citizenship and Territory - Keeping the Link?".
Public talks:
- "Wer darf mitentscheiden? Zur Zukunft der Staatsbürgerschaft" [Who shall decide? On the future of citizenship], 22nd June 2017, Forum Siegen.
- "Komplementäre Bürgerschaften. Demokratische Selbstbestimmung in transnationalen Ordnungen" [Complementary Citizenships. Democratic Self-determination in Transnational Orders], 07th June 2017, Center for research in the social sciences, Siegen.
Participation in additional workshops / conferences:
- Workshop on "Legitimacy beyond the State: Normative and Conceptual Questions" (Justitia Amplificata and SFB 700 Governance in Spaces of Limited Statehood (12th/13th January 2017, Bad Homburg): Discussion of "Legitimation Problems of Global Governance" by Michael Zürn.
- 2. Max Planck Masterclass in International Law with Professor Dr. Jürgen Habermas on the topic of Law and Democracy in the Postnational Constellation (11th-14th February 2013, Heidelberg).